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News Overview

Displaying results 41 to 50 of 115.
  1. Technologie hautnah erleben bei der „Langen Nacht der Digitalisierung“ in Oldenburg

    Technologie hautnah erleben bei der „Langen Nacht der Digitalisierung“ in Oldenburg

    Am 17. Juni 2022 findet in Oldenburg die „Lange Nacht der Digitalisierung“ statt. Dafür öffnen zahlreiche Oldenburger Firmen und ...

  2. DFKI and INRIA at VivaTech 2022 in Paris

    DFKI and INRIA at VivaTech 2022 in Paris

    From June 15 to 18, 2022, France and Germany will present future European digital champions in the French-German Tech Lab at the Vivatechnology ...

  3. DFKI present at Open Day Saarland University 2022

    DFKI present at Open Day Saarland University 2022

    After two years as a digital event, Saarland University's Open Day will be held in attendance mode on Saturday, May 21, 2022. DFKI will also be ...

  4. DFKI ist Partner bei Gesundheitsdatengipfel22

    DFKI ist Partner bei Gesundheitsdatengipfel22

    Vortrag von DFKI-Doktorandin Mareike Stender auf dem Haupstadtkongress-Lab am 01.04. in Berlin.

  5. How artificial intelligence can help in the fight against doping

    How artificial intelligence can help in the fight against doping

    Artificial intelligence may help to make sporting competitions cleaner and fairer in the future. Professor of Business Informatics Wolfgang Maaß …

  6. Summer School is focused on better use of data in nonprofit and government organizations

    Summer School is focused on better use of data in nonprofit and government organizations

    Data is generally considered the gold of the 21st century. Companies use it, for example, to analyze customer behavior and provide customer ...

  7. Deciding Corona measures locally – AScore project presents pandemic cockpit for municipalities

    Deciding Corona measures locally – AScore project presents pandemic cockpit for municipalities

    Should restaurants and nightclubs demand 2G-Plus, or will 3G do? Will the spread of Corona be slowed down if students are required to wear masks …

  8. Data Science and its Applications - DFKI Founds New Research Area for Data Science

    Data Science and its Applications - DFKI Founds New Research Area for Data Science

    With "Data Science and its Applications", the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) is establishing a new research department …

  9. Pandemie-Cockpit für Kommunen – Einladung zur öffentlichen Online-Präsentation des AScore Projekts

    Pandemie-Cockpit für Kommunen – Einladung zur öffentlichen Online-Präsentation des AScore Projekts

    Pandemie-Simulationen für Kommunen, auf wissenschaftlicher Basis: Im Forschungsprojekt AScore ist ein Pandemie-Cockpit entstanden, welches ...

  10. DFKI at the AI Day in Lübeck

    DFKI at the AI Day in Lübeck

    The DFKI Lübeck branch office started its operational work in three research areas in January 2021. As part of the "Week of AI", 15-19 November, …