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News Overview

Displaying results 1 to 3 of 3.
  1. Arvato Systems enters into partnership with DFKI Research Department Smart Service Engineering

    Arvato Systems enters into partnership with DFKI Research Department Smart Service Engineering

    Combining research strength and integration expertise: Arvato Systems and the Smart Service Engineering research department of the German Research ...

  2. AI technology for quantifying physical load and providing effective feedbacks using sensor suit devices

    AI technology for quantifying physical load and providing effective feedbacks using sensor suit devices

    Improving efficiency, ensuring safety, and managing workers’ health through standardization of work skills in production/maintenance sites …

  3. iPRODICT bringt BIG DATA und BIG STEEL zusammen

    iPRODICT bringt BIG DATA und BIG STEEL zusammen

    Saarstahl AG untersucht neuen Ansatz zur Geschäftsprozessoptimierung / Produktions- und Geschäftsdaten werden digital kombiniert, in Echtzeit ...