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Smart Service Engineering


  1. Hannover Messe: Smart data for smarter decisions - How AI is helping industrial production run more smoothly

    Small parts can cause big problems. Worn or defective components in industrial plants can bring an entire production process to a standstill. But …

  2. HANNOVER MESSE: How artificial intelligence is helping make food production smarter

    Food production is a complex process involving the monitoring of raw materials, supply chains, market prices and much more besides. Access to smart …

  3. New beacon project to make the future more predictable for companies

    No raw materials due to the corona pandemic, the collapse of supply chains due to low water in rivers, or a production stoppage caused by a wearing …

  4. SPAICER Project Wins the AI Innovation Competition of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy

    Production companies struggle with disruptions every day. These can be external disturbances, such as delays in logistics, raw material shortages, and …

  5. Die Brücke zwischen Psychologie und Produktion schlagen

    WZL, TIME und DFKI kooperieren in neuem Forschungsprojekt über Resilienz in der Produktionstechnik.


Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI)
Smart Service Engineering
Campus D3 2
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
66123 Saarbrücken