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Teaser Smarte Daten und Wissensdienste© DFKI, iQL

Smart Data & Knowledge Services


  1. Forschungsprojekt Smarte Daten Smarte Dienste: Wohin mit den Daten in der Agrarwirtschaft?

    Immer bessere Hardware und dazu passende Apps helfen Landwirten, Lohnunternehmern und Maschinenringen bei der Erfüllung von Dokumentationspflichten, …

  2. Notes with added value – DFKI and Wacom realize individual knowledge management

    Wacom and DFKI have developed a joint system to enrich handwritten documents with useful knowledge. In addition to information from the corporate …

  3. Gruppenbild

    Green light for the "GeoBox-1" project

    Federal government supports efficient data exchange in the agricultural sector with one million euros - The development of GeoBox is progressing: …

  4. DFKI Receives First NVIDIA DGX-2 Supercomputer in Europe

    Unique Deep Learning Infrastructure – The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) is the first institution in Europe to receive an …

  5. Jensen Huang und Sebastian Palacio mit dem Award.

    "NVIDIA Pioneer Award" in Machine Learning for DFKI research team

    The researchers from the DFKI Deep Learning Competence Center were the only European team to receive the "NVIDIA Pioneer Award" for their work "What …


Brigitte Selzer
Phone: +49 631 20575 1010

Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI)
Research Department Smart Data & Knowledge Services
Trippstadter Str. 122
67663 Kaiserslautern