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Multilinguality and Language Technology


  1. 100 million translated words: A new milestone for the German EU Council Presidency Translator

    Since the beginning of the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union in July 2020, the German EU Council Presidency Translator has been …

  2. 100 million words translated with EU Council Presidency Translator!

    Interview with Prof. Dr. Josef van Genabith, Head of the Multilinguality and Language Technology research department at DFKI in Saarbrücken, on …

  3. 2nd CEF eTranslation Conference "My Europe, My Language, My Multilingual Services

    When? 14 October 2020, 09:30 am to 03:30 pm (CEST)

    Where? Online (Zoom)

  4. Sprachdaten bilden Brücken in Krisenkommunikation

    „Jeśli chcesz mieć wpływ na innych ludzi, musisz najpierw porozmawiać z nimi w ich języku.“ Haben Sie das verstanden? Nein. Es sei denn, Sie sprechen …

  5. [Translate to English:]

    German EU Council Presidency Translator now available

    Languages are a key part of our European identity and culture. Linguistic diversity is supported and celebrated as part of the EU’s motto “United in …


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Campus D3 2
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
66123 Saarbrücken