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Displaying results 41 to 50 of 598.
  1. René Pallenberg; Marja Fleitmann; Kira Soika; Andreas Stroth; Jan Gerlach; Alexander Fürschke; Jörg Barkhausen; Arpad Bischof; Heinz Handels

    Automatic quality measurement of aortic contrast-enhanced CT angiographies for patient-specific dose optimization

    In: International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (IJCARS), Vol. 15, Pages 1611-1617, Springer, 7/2020.

  2. Hristina Uzunova; Paul Kaftan; Matthias Wilms; Nils D. Forkert; Heinz Handels; Jan Ehrhardt

    Quantitative Comparison of Generative Shape Models for Medical Images

    In: Thomas Tolxdorff; Thomas M. Deserno; Heinz Handels; Andreas Maier; Klaus H. Maier-Hein; Christoph Palm (Hrsg.). Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin …

  3. Generation of Annotated Brain Tumor MRIs with Tumor-induced Tissue Deformations for Training and Assessment of Neural Networks

    In: Anne L. Martel; Purang Abolmaesumi; Danail Stoyanov; Diana Mateus; Maria A. Zuluaga; S. Kevin Zhou; Daniel Racoceanu; Leo Joskowicz (Hrsg.). …

  4. Memory-efficient GAN-based domain translation of high resolution 3D medical images

    In: Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Vol. 86, Pages 101801-101801, Elsevier, 2020.

  5. Natalia Skachkova; Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova

    Reference in Team Communication for Robot-Assisted Disaster Response: An Initial Analysis

    In: Maciej Ogrodniczuk; Vincent Ng; Yulia Grishina; Sameer Pradhan (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Computational Models of Reference, …

  6. Jumyung Um; Volkan Gezer; Achim Wagner; Martin Ruskowski

    Edge Computing in Smart Production

    In: Saïd Zeghloul; Med Amine Laribi; Juan (Eds.) Sandoval. Advances in Service and Industrial Robotics. Pages 144-152, Springer, 2020.

  7. Martin Ruskowski; Arnold Herget; Jesko Hermann; William Motsch; Parsha Pahlevannejad; Aleksandr Sidorenko; Simon Bergweiler; Alexander David; Christiane Plociennik; Jens Popper; Keran Sivalingam; Achim Wagner

    Production Bots für Production Level 4: Skill-basierte Systeme für die Produktion der Zukunft

    In: atp - Automatisierungstechnische Praxis, Vol. 62, No. 9, Pages 62-71, Vulkan, 2020.

  8. William Motsch; Alexander David; Keran Sivalingam; Achim Wagner; Martin Ruskowski

    Approach for Dynamic Price-Based Demand Side Management in Cyber-Physical Production Systems

    In: Procedia Manufacturing, Vol. 51, Pages 1748-1754, Elsevier, 2020.

  9. Development of a system architecture enabling a dynamic generation of process chains for Production as a Service

    In: Proceedings 2020 IEEE Conference on Industrial Cyberphysical Systems (ICPS). IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems …

  10. Jesko Hermann; Alexander David; Achim Wagner; Martin Ruskowski

    Considering interdependencies for a dynamic generation of process chains for Production as a Service

    In: Procedia Manufacturing, Vol. 51, Pages 1454-1461, Elsevier, 2020.