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Displaying results 41 to 50 of 533.
  1. Learning Comment Controversy Prediction in Web Discussions Using Incidentally Supervised Multi-Task CNNs

    In: The 9th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis - Proceedings of the Workshop. Workshop on …

  2. Prasenjit Basu; Santanu Pal; Sudip Kumar Naskar

    Keep It or Not: Word Level Quality Estimation for Post-Editing

    In: Proceedings of the Third Conference on Machine Translation: Shared Task Papers. Conference on Machine Translation (WMT-2018), located at EMNLP …

  3. Christian Vogelgesang; Torsten Spieldenner; René Schubotz

    SPARQλ: A functional perspective on Linked Data Services

    In: Semantic Technology. Joint International Semantic Technology Conference (JIST-2018), November 26-28, Awaji City, Hyogo, Japan, Springer Nature, …

  4. Remembering and Forgetting for Personal Preservation

    In: Vasileios Mezaris; Claudia Niederée; Robert H. Logie. Personal Multimedia Preservation: Remembering or Forgetting Images and Video. Pages 233-277, …

  5. Claudia Niederée; Vasileios Mezaris; Heiko Maus; Robert H. Logie

    Multimedia Preservation: Why Bother?

    In: Vasileios Mezaris; Claudia Niederée; Robert H. Logie. Personal Multimedia Preservation: Remembering or Forgetting Images and Video. Chapter 1, …

  6. Verlässliche und skalierbare Sicherung von Zustandsdaten verteilter cyberphysischer Systeme

    In: Smart Energy 2018. Fachtagung Smart Energy (Smart Energy-2018), 9. November 8-9, Dortmund, Germany, Smart Energy 2018, vwh, 2018.

  7. Christoph Stoeffler; Shivesh Kumar; Heiner Peters; Olivier Bruels; Andreas Müller; Frank Kirchner

    Conceptual Design of a Variable Stiffness Mechanism in a Humanoid Ankle using Parallel Redundant Actuation

    In: IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots. IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids-2018), November 6-9, IEEE, …

  8. Robert Wille; Bing Li; Rolf Drechsler; Ulf Schlichtmann

    Automatic Design of Microfluidic Devices: An Overview of Platforms and Corresponding Design Tasks

    In: In Forum on specification & Design Languages (FDL). Forum on Specification & Design Languages (FDL-2018), September 10-12, München, Germany, 2018.

  9. Konzepte für sensorbasierte Mobilisierungsunterstützung und motivierendes Feedback in der Mobilen Rehabilitation

    In: Mario A. Pfannstiel; Sandra Krammer; Walter Swoboda. Digitale Transformation von Dienstleistungen im Gesundheitswesen IV: Impulse für die …

  10. J. Kiselev; A. Steinert; R. Klebbe; A Russ; K Schuhmacher; N Reithinger; U. Mueller-Werdan

    Tablet-based Patient Involvement Support in mobile Rehabilitation-MoreCare@ Home

    In: Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie, Vol. 51, Page 17, Springer, 2018.