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Displaying results 71 to 80 of 256.
  1. Bertin Klein; Thomas Roth-Berghofer

    Philosophy for IT for Knowledge Management

    In: Klaus Freyberg; Hans-Joachim Petsche; Bertin Klein (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the WM 2003 Workshop on Knowledge Management and Philosophy. Conference …

  2. Bertin Klein; Stefan Agne; Andrew D. Bagdanov

    Understanding Document Analysis and Understanding (through Modeling)

    In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition ICDAR'03). International Conference on Document Analysis and …

  3. Dirk Werth

    Future Research Directions

    In: Guijarro, L.: eGovernment Interoperability in the 2005-2010 horizon, European Commission, Brussels. eGovernment Interoperability, 2003.

  4. Ludger van Elst; Virginia Dignum; Andreas Abecker (Hrsg.)

    Agent--Mediated Knowledge Management -- Papers from the AAAI Spring Symposium

    Technical Report, Vol. SS-03-01, AAAI Press, 2003.

  5. Thomas Breuel

    On the Use of Interval Arithmetic in Geometric Branch-and-Bound Algorithms

    In: Pattern Recognition Letters (PRL), Accepted for publication in it Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 24, No. 9-10, Pages 1375-1384, Elsevier, …

  6. Thomas Breuel

    An Algorithm for Finding Maximal Whitespace Rectangles at Arbitrary Orientations for Document Layout Analysis

    In: International Conference for Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR). International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), …

  7. Thomas Breuel

    Character Recognition by Adaptive Statistical Similarity

    In: International Conference for Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR). International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), …

  8. Thomas Breuel

    Implementation Techniques for Geometric Branch-and-Bound Matching Methods

    In: Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Accepted for publication in it Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol. 90, No. 3, Pages 258-294, …

  9. Giorgi Goguadze; Erica Melis; Viktor Izhutkin; Y. Isulanov

    Interactively Learning Operations Research Methhods with ActiveMath

    In: H.G.Bock; W. Domschke; R. Fahrion; M. Juenger; H. Kogelschatz; G.D. Liesegang; G. Reinelt; F. Rendl; G. Waescher (Hrsg.). Operations Research …

  10. Giorgi Goguadze; Erica Melis; Carsten Ullrich; Paul Cairns

    Problems and Solutions for Markup for Mathematical Examples and Exercises

    In: A. Asperti; B. Buchberger; J. H. Davenport (Hrsg.). Proceedings of Second International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management. …