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Displaying results 31 to 40 of 256.
  1. Anette Frank; Louisa Sadler; Josef A. van Genabith; Andy Way

    From Treebank Resources to LFG F-Structures. Automatic F-Structure Annotation of Treebank Trees and CFGs extracted from Treebanks

    In: Anne Abeille (Hrsg.). Treebanks. Building and using syntactically annotated corpora. Pages 367-389, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, …

  2. Armin Hust; Stefan Klink; Markus Junker; Andreas Dengel

    Towards Collaborative Information Retrieval: Three Approaches

    In: J. Franke; G. Nakhaeizadeh; I. Renz (Hrsg.). Text Mining-Theoretical Aspects & Application. Pages 97-112, Physica-Verlag, 3/2003.

  3. K. Kise; Markus Junker; Andreas Dengel; K. Matsumoto

    Effectiveness of Passage-Based Document Retrieval for Short Queries

    In: IEICE Transactions on Information & Systems, Vol. E86-D, No. No. 9, Pages 1753-1761, 9/2003.

  4. Frank Kirchner; T. Koshizen; Dirk Spenneberg

    Cognitive Humanoid Robots Based on Complex Kinematic Features

    In: V. Palade; R.J. Howlett; L.C. Jain (Hrsg.). KES 2003 LNAI 2774. Page 584, 0, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2003.

  5. Making Documents Work: Challenges of Document Understanding

    In: Proceedings ICDAR'03. International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), Pages 1026-1035, 8/2003.

  6. Otmar Adam; Dirk Werth; Fabrice Zangl

    Paneuropäische, integrierte Verwaltungsdienstleistungen in Konzeption und Umsetzung

    In: Wirtschaftsinformatik 2003- Medien - Märkte - Mobilität. Vol. Band 1, Physica- Verlag, Dresden, 2003.

  7. Dirk Werth

    Future Research Directions

    In: Guijarro, L.: eGovernment Interoperability in the 2005-2010 horizon, European Commission, Brussels. eGovernment Interoperability, 2003.

  8. Otmar Adam; Dirk Werth; Fabrice Zangl

    Providing Pan-European Public Services by the use of Distributed Knowledge Repositories

    In: Proceedings zur 4th working conference on Knowledge Management in Electronic Government (KMGov2003), Rhodes Island. Working Conference on …

  9. Otmar Adam; Dirk Werth; Fabrice Zangl

    Enabling Pan-European Interoperability for the InfoCitizen

    In: Proceedings zur ECEG 2003 in Dublin. European Conference on e-Government (ECEG), 7/2003.

  10. Otmar Adam; Dirk Werth; Fabrice Zangl

    Conceiving and Implementing Pan-European Integrated Public Services

    In: Proceedings zur EGOV 2003 (DEXA 2003) in Prag. International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA), 9/2003.