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Displaying results 71 to 80 of 589.
  1. Stefan Münzer; Christoph Stahl

    Learning routes from visualisations for indoor wayfinding: Presentation modes and individual differences

    In: Spatial Cognition & Computation - An Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. 11, No. 4, Pages 281-312, Taylor & Francis, Abingdon UK - New York US, …

  2. Christian Rusch; Max Reinecke; Hans-Peter Grothaus; Ludger Autermann; Ronny Hartanto; Emanuel Geogiew

    Wireless communication on the field following ISO 11783 for autonomous process planning and controlling of cooperating mobile agricultural machines

    In: 69th International Conference on Agricultural Engineering LAND TECHNIK AgEng 2011. International Conference on Agricultural Engineering …

  3. Florian Flörchinger; Mathias Schmitt

    A Concept for a user-friendly first Communication Initiation between Stationary Field Devices and Mobile Interaction Devices

    In: Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress. World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC-2011), August 28 - …

  4. John Witt; Mathias Schmitt

    Das Smart Grid der Industrie - Steigern der Energieeffizienz in Fabrikanlagen durch Energiebedarfsmessung und Aktion

    In: Elektronik, Vol. 23, Pages 2-5, WEKA Fachmedien GmbH, 2011.

  5. Estelle Barraja; Tobias Gerber

    Analyse of Business Process Modelling Languages and their role in Product Lifecycle Management

    Seminararbeit, TU Kaiserslautern, Lehrstuhl für Produktionsautomatisierung, Interne Schriftenreihe, Vol. 1, 1/2011.

  6. Peter Stephan; Matthias Loskyll; Ines Dahmann; Jochen Schlick

    Using Semantic Technologies in Location Aware Applications for Mobile Factory Maintenance

    In: Proceeding of the 5th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Education. International Conference on Manufacturing Science and …

  7. Martin Mellado; Dominic Gorecky

    Simulation and Virtual Reality in Robotics for Industrial Assembly Processes,

    In: Conference Proceedings "Mobility and Innovation in the European Context". Evaluation Conference on ERASMUS Intensive Programmes (IP-2011), …

  8. Paul Buitelaar; Philipp Cimiano; John McCrae; Elena Montiel-Ponsoda; Thierry Declerck

    Ontology Lexicalisation: The lemon Perspective

    In: Monique Slodzian; Mathieu Valette; Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles; Anne Condamines; Nathalie Hernandez; Bernard Rothenburger (Hrsg.). Workshop …

  9. David Vilar Torres; Eleftherios Avramidis; Maja Popovic; Sabine Hunsicker

    DFKI's SC and MT Submissions to IWSLT 2011

    In: Proceedings of International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation. International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT-11), December …

  10. Thomas Röfer; Tim Laue; Judith Müller; Alexander Fabisch; Fynn Feldpausch; Katharina Gillmann; Colin Graf; Thijs Jeffry de Haas; Alexander Härtl; Arne Humann; Daniel Honsel; Philipp Kastner; Tobias Kastner; Carsten Könemann; Benjamin Markowsky; Ole Jan Lars Riemann; Felix Wenk

    B-Human Team Report and Code Release 2011

    B-Human (Universität Bremen und DFKI), B-Human Team Report, 2011.