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Displaying results 41 to 50 of 370.
  1. Abdelhadi Soudi; A. Van den Bosch; Günter Neumann (Hrsg.)

    Arabic Computational Morphology: Knowledge-based and Empirical Methods

    Vol. 38, Kluwer/Springer's series on Text, Speech, and Language Technology, 2007.

  2. Armin Stahl

    Retrieving Relevant Experiences

    In: KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, German Journal on Artificial Intelligence - Organ des Fachbereiches "Künstliche Intelligenz" der Gesellschaft für …

  3. Christian Seel; Peter Loos

    Controling konfigurativer Referenzmodelle

    In: J. Becker; P. Delfmann; T. Rieke (Hrsg.). Effiziente Softwareentwicklung mit Referenzmodellen. Pages 77-106, Vol. Part IV, Physica-Verlag, 2007.

  4. Marc Schröder; Anna Hunecke

    Creating German Unit Selection Voices for the MARY TTS Platform from the BITS Corpora

    In: Proceedings of the 6th ISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop (SSW6). ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Speech Synthesis (SSW), Pages 95-100, 8/2007.

  5. Marc Schröder; L. Devillers; K. Karpouzis; J.-C. Martin; C. Pelachaud; C. Peter; H. Pirker; B. Schuller; J. Tao; I. Wilson

    What should a generic emotion markup language be able to represent

    In: A. Paiva; R. Prada; R.W. Picard (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction. IEEE …

  6. Marc Schröder

    Interpolating expressions in unit selection

    In: A. Paiva; R. Prada; R.W. Picard (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction. IEEE …

  7. Michael Schneider

    The Semantic Cookbook: Sharing Cooking Experiences in the Smart Kitchen

    In: Porceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE-2007), September 24-25, Ulm , Germany. International Conference on …

  8. Michael Schneider

    Towards a General Object Memory

    In: A. Bajart; H. Muller; T. Strang (Hrsg.). UbiComp 2007 Workshop Proceedings, September 16, Innsbruck, Austria. International Conference on …

  9. Bogdan Sacaleanu; Günter Neumann; Christian Spurk

    DFKI-LT at QAST 2007: Adapting QA Components to Mine Answers in Speech Transcripts

    In: A. Nardi; C. Peters (Hrsg.). In online proceedings of CLEF 2007 Working Notes. Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF), …

  10. Bogdan Sacaleanu; Günter Neumann

    A Cross-Lingual German-English Framework for Open-Domain Question Answering

    In: C. Peters; P. Clough; F.C. Gey; J. Karlgren; B. Magnini; D.W. Oard; M. de Rijke; M. Stempfhuber (Hrsg.). Evaluation of Multilingual and …