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Displaying results 91 to 100 of 589.
  1. Daniel Sonntag; Christian Husodo Schulz

    Monitoring and Explaining Reasoning Processes in a Dialogue System’s Input Interpretation Step

    In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Explanation-aware Computing at IJCAI. International Workshop on Explanation-aware Computing (ExaCt), …

  2. Gorka Epelde; Xabier Valencia; Julio Abascal; Unai Diaz; Christian Husodo Schulz; Ingo Zinnikus

    TV as a human interface for Ambient Intelligence environments

    In: ICME. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Spain, Pages 1-6, IEEE, 2011.

  3. Petra Krammer; Jochen Schlick; Dominic Gorecky

    VISTRA – Virtuelle Simulation und Training in der Montage und im Service

    In: Tagungsband. ATZproduktion-Fachtagung, 7. ATZproduktion-Fachtagung, September 26-27, Mainz, Germany, Springer Automotive Media, 2011.

  4. Christian Husodo Schulz; Ingo Zinnikus; Patrick Kapahnke; Jochen Frey; Robert Neßelrath; Jan Alexandersson

    Universally Accessible Interactive Services on TV

    In: Reiner Wichert; Birgid Eberhardt (Hrsg.). Ambient Assisted Living, 4. AAL-Kongress 2011. Deutscher AAL-Kongress (AAL), January 25-26, Berlin, …

  5. Gorka Epelde; Xabier Valencia; Eduardo Carrasco; Christian Husodo Schulz; Ingo Zinnikus; Jorge Possada; Julio Abascal; Orueta Diaz

    Providing universally accessible interactive services through TV sets: implementation and validation with elderly users

    In: Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. Online first, Pages 1-32, Springer, Netherlands, 2011.

  6. Patrick Gebhard; Gregor Mehlmann; Michael Kipp

    Visual SceneMaker—a tool for authoring interactive virtual characters

    In: Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces (JMUI), Vol. n.n. Pages 1-9, Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg, 12/2011.

  7. Reinhard Moratz; Dominik Lücke; Till Mossakowski

    A Condensed Semantics for Qualitative Spatial Reasoning About Oriented Straight Line Segments

    In: Artificial Intelligence (AIJ), Vol. 175, No. 16-17, Pages 2099-2127, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2011.

  8. Dominik Lücke; Till Mossakowski; Reinhard Moratz

    Streets to the OPRA - Finding your destination with imprecise knowledge

    In: Jochen Renz; Anthony G. Cohn; Stefan Wölfl (Hrsg.). IJCAI Workshop on Benchmarks and Applications of Spatial Reasoning. IJCAI Workshop on …

  9. Oliver Kutz; Till Mossakowski

    The Onto-Logical Translation Graph

    In: O. Kutz; T. Schneider (Hrsg.). Modular Ontologies - Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop. International Workshop on Modular Ontologies …

  10. Oliver Kutz; Till Mossakowski; Janna Hastings; Alexander Garcia Castro; Aleksandra Sojic

    Hyperontology for the Biomedical Ontologist - A Sketch and Some Examples

    In: George Gkoutos; Pierre Grenon (Hrsg.). Workshop on Working with Multiple Biomedical Ontologies. International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies …