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Displaying results 51 to 60 of 327.
  1. Michael Kruppa; Andrew Lum; William Niu; Miriam Weinel

    Towards mobile tour guides supporting collaborative learning in small groups

    In: Peter Brusilovsky; Charles Callaway; Andreas Nürnberger (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 1st workshop on Personalized Information Access (PIA2005) in …

  2. Michael Kruppa

    Towards explicit physical object referencing

    In: Liliana Ardissono; Paul Brna; Antonija Mitrovic (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the User Modeling Conference 2005, Doctoral Consortium. International …

  3. Ralf Jung; Andreas Butz

    Effectiveness of User Notification in Ambient Soundscapes

    In: Proceedings of the workshop on Auditory Displays for Mobile Context-Aware Systems. Workshop on Auditory Displays for Mobile Context-Aware …

  4. Michael Kruppa

    A userstudy on parallel presentations for heterogenous user groups

    University of Sydney, Computer Science Department, University of Sydney, Computer Science Department, Vol. TR-563, 1/2005.

  5. John Kelleher

    Integrating Visual and Linguistic Salience for Reference Resolution

    In: Proceedings of the 16th Irish conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science. Irish conference on Artificial Intelligence and …

  6. Daniel Hausmann; Till Mossakowski; Lutz Schröder

    Towards a Coalgebraic Approach to the Semantics of the Ambient Calculus

    In: Jose Fiadeiro; Neil Harman; Markus Roggenbach; Jan Rutten (Hrsg.). Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science. Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra …

  7. Margeritta Wilamowitz--Moellendorff; Christian Müller; Anthony Jameson; Boris Brandherm; Tim Schwartz

    Recognition of Time Pressure via Physiological Sensors: Is the User's Motion a Help or a Hindrance?

    In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Adapting the Interaction Style to Affective Factors in conjunction with the User Modeling (UM05). Workshop on …

  8. Estimating the Acoustic Context to Improve Speaker Classification

    In: Modeling and Using Context - International and Interdisciplinary Conference. Modeling and Using Context - International and Interdisciplinary …

  9. Armin Stahl; Martin Schaaf; Ralph Traphöner (Hrsg.)

    Professional Knowledge Management

    German Workshop on Experience Management (GWEM-2005), 3rd, located at In conjunction with the WM 2005, April 10-13, Kaiserslautern, Germany, ISBN …