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Displaying results 61 to 70 of 609.
  1. Toby Dragon; Bruce M. McLaren; M. Mavrikis; E Geraniou

    Scaffolding Collaborative Learning Opportunities: Integrating Micro-world Use and Argumentation.

    In: Liliana Ardissono; Tsvi Kuflik (Hrsg.). Advances in User Modeling: Selected papers from UMAP 2011 Workshops. International Conference on User …

  2. Toby Dragon; Bruce M. McLaren; M. Mavrikis; E. Geraniou

    Scaffolding Collaborative Learning Opportunities: Integrating Micro-world Use and Argumentation

    In: L. Ardissono; T. Kuflik (Hrsg.). UMAP 2011 Workshops. International Workshop on Adaptive Support for Team Collaboration (ASTC-2011), located at …

  3. D. Adams; K. Durkin; R.E. Mayer; B. Rittle-Johnson; S. Isotani; M. Van Velsen; Mc Laren Bruce

    Erroneous examples versus problem solving: Can we improve how middle school students learn decimals? 

    In: Naomi Miyake; David Peebles; Richard P. Cooper (Hrsg.). Building Bridges Across Cognitive Sciences Around the World. Annual Conference of the …

  4. Claus-Peter Wirth

    Human-Oriented Inductive Theorem Proving by Descente Infinie - A manifesto.

    In: Logic Journal of the IGPL Oxford, Vol. 20, Oxford University Press. 12/2012.

  5. Ulrike Gollner; Tom Bieling; Gesche Joost

    Mobile Lorm Glove: introducing a communication device for deaf-blind people

    In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction. International Conference on Tangible, Embedded …

  6. Partizipative Formen der Gestaltung und die Verwicklungen von Theorie und Praxis

    In: Martin Ludwig Hofman (Hrsg.). Der menschliche Faktor Wie Architektur und Design als soziale Katalysatoren wirken. Pages 57-72, Wilhelm Fink, …

  7. Design

    In: Gert Ueding (Hrsg.). Historisches Wörterbuch der Rhetorik. Chapter 280, ISBN 978-3-484-68108-8, Walter de Gruyter, 2/2012.

  8. Andreas Dengel; Marcus Liwicki

    Semantic E-Ink: Knowledge-Based Assistance for Making Mental Models Explicit

    In: International Journal on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI), Vol. 26, No. 5, Pages 1263004-1263004, World Scientific, 2012.