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Displaying results 71 to 80 of 609.
  1. Iliyan Georgiev; Jaroslav Krivánek; Tomás Davidovic; Philipp Slusallek

    Light Transport Simulation with Vertex Connection and Merging

    In: ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), Vol. 31, No. 6, Pages 192:1-192:10, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 11/2012.

  2. Tomás Davidovic; Thomas Engelhardt; Iliyan Georgiev; Philipp Slusallek; Carsten Dachsbacher

    3D Rasterization: A Bridge between Rasterization and Ray Casting

    In: Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2012. Graphics Interface (GI-12), May 28-30, Toronto, ON, Canada, Pages 201-208, Vol. 43, ISBN …

  3. Towards Design Engineering of Ubiquitous Information Systems

    In: 7th Int. Conf. on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST 2012), Las Vegas, USA. International Conference on Design …

  4. Wolfgang Maaß; Tobias Kowatsch; Sabine Janzen; Andreas Filler

    Applying Situation-Service Fit to Physical Environments Enhanced by Ubiquitous Information Systems

    In: 20th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2012, Barcelona, Spain, June 10-13, 2012. European Conference on Information Systems …

  5. John P. McCrae; Guadalupe Aguado de Cea; Paul Buitelaar; Philipp Cimiano; Thierry Declerck; Asunción Gómez-Pérez; Jorge Gracia; Laura Hollink; Elena Montiel-Ponsoda; Dennis Spohr; Tobias Wunner

    Interchanging lexical resources on the Semantic Web

    In: Language Resources and Evaluation, Vol. 46, No. 4, Pages 701-719, Springer, 2012.

  6. D. Tsovaltzi; A. Weinberger; Oliver Scheuer; Toby Dragon; Bruce McLaren

    Argument Diagrams in Facebook: Facilitating the Formation of Scientifically Sound Opinions

    In: A. Ravenscroft; S. Lindstaedt; C.D. Kloos; D. Hernández-Leo (Hrsg.). 21st Century Learning for 21st Century Skills. European Conference on …

  7. Sergey Sosnovsky; I.-Han Hsiao; Brusilovsky Peter

    Adaptation "in the Wild": Ontology-based Personalization of Open-Corpus Learning Material

    In: Andrew Ravenscroft; Stefanie Lindstaedt; Carlos Delgado Kloos; Davinia Hernández-Leo (Hrsg.). 21st Century Learning for 21st Century Skills; …

  8. L. Schnaubert; Eric Andres; S. Narciss; Sergey Sosnovsky; A. Eichelmann; Giorgi Goguadze

    Differential Feedback Effects Within Multi-trial Web-based Learning Tasks.

    In: o.A. (Hrsg.). Proceedings of Earli SIG 6&7 Conference "Instructional Design for Advancing Learning in a Networked Society". European Association …

  9. L. Schnaubert; Eric Andres; S. Narciss; Sergey Sosnovsky; A. Eichelmann; Giorgi Goguadze

    Impact of Local and Global Self-Evaluations on Behaviour

    In: Andrew Ravenscroft; Stefanie Lindstaedt; Carlos Delgado Kloos; Davinia Hernández-Leo (Hrsg.). 21st Century Learning for 21st Century Skills; …

  10. Oliver Scheuer; Bruce McLaren; A. Weinberger; S Niebuhr

    Scripting Discussions For Elaborative, Critical Interactions

    In: S. A. Cerri; W. J. Clancey; G. Papadourakis; K. Panourgia (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring …