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Displaying results 31 to 40 of 597.
  1. Daniel Schneider; Daniel Fraunholz; Daniel Krohmer

    A Qualitative Empirical Analysis of Human Post-Exploitation Behavior

    In: 2020 1st Workshop on Next Generation Networks and Applications (NGNA). Workshop on Next Generation Networks and Applications (NGNA-2020), …

  2. Cathleen Stuetzer; Ralf Klamma; Milos Kravcik

    A Framework for Predicting Mentoring Needs in Digital Learning Environments

    In: Bella Struminskaya; Florian Keusch; Otto Hellwig; Stefan Oglesby; Cathleen M. Stützer; Alexandra Wachenfeld-Schell (Hrsg.). 22th General Online …

  3. Critical Reflection of AI Applications for persons with Disabilities in Vocational Rehabilitation

    In: Clara Schumacher (Hrsg.). Proceedings of DELFI Workshop 2020. DeLFI Workshops (DeLFI-WS), Pages 137-146, 2020.

  4. Susan Beudt; Sebastian Claus; Alexander Heuts; Niels Pinkwart

    Digitally Supported Inclusive Practices in Education and Training

    In: Clara Schumacher (Hrsg.). Proceedings of DELFI Workshops 2020. DeLFI Workshops (DeLFI-WS-2020), September 14-15, Online, Pages 134-136, 9/2020.

  5. Katarzyna Biernacka; Petra Buchholz; Sarah Ann Danker; Dominika Dolzycka; Claudia Engelhardt; Kerstin Helbig; Juliane Jacob; Janna Neumann; Carolin Odebrecht; Cord Wiljes; Ulrike Wuttke

    Train-the-Trainer Concept on Research Data Management

    Meyrin: CERN, 12/2020.

  6. C. Gloerfeld; S. E. Wrede; C. de Witt; Xia Wang

    Recommender – Potentials and Limitations for Self-Study in Higher Education from an Educational Science Perspective

    In: International Journal of Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Education (iJAI), Vol. 2, No. 2, Pages 34-45, iJAI, 9/2020.

  7. Ferdinand Küsters; Peter Schichtel; Sheraz Ahmed; Andreas Dengel

    Conceptual Explanations of Neural Network Prediction for Time Series

    In: IJCNN. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), IEEE, 2020.

  8. Birgit Beck; Aljoscha Burchardt

    Alle reden von ethischer KI – aber was meinen sie damit?

    In: Christoph Markschies; Isabella Hermann (Hrsg.). #Verantwortung KI – Künstliche Intelligenz und gesellschaftliche Folgen. Pages 22-28, Vol. 3/2020, …

  9. Sharam Dadashnia; Constantin Houy; Peter Loos

    Usability Mining - Automated Analysis of Information System Usability based on Process Mining

    In: Jan vom Brocke; Alan Hevner; Alexander Maedche. Design Science Research. Cases. Pages 155-176, ISBN 978-3-030-46780-7, Springer, Berlin, 9/2020.

  10. Digitale Polizeiarbeit

    In: Tanja Klenk; Frank Nullmeier; Göttrik Wewer. Handbuch Digitalisierung in Staat und Verwaltung. Chapter 48, ISBN 978-3-658-23667-0, VS Verlag für …