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Displaying results 31 to 40 of 102.
  1. Markus Perling

    The RAWAM: Relfun-Adapted WAM Emulation in C

    DFKI, DFKI Technical Memos (TM), Vol. 98-07, 1998.

  2. Jürgen Lind; Klaus Fischer

    Transportation Scheduling and Simulation in a Railroad scenario: A Multi-Agent Approach

    DFKI, DFKI Technical Memos (TM), Vol. 98-05, 1998.

  3. Christian Gerber; Christian Ruß; Gero Vierke

    An Empirical Evaluation on the Suitability of Market-Based Mechanisms for Telematics Applications

    DFKI, DFKI Technical Memos (TM), Vol. 98-02, 1998.

  4. Christian Gerber

    Bottleneck Analysis as a Heuristic for Self-Adaption in Multi-Agent Societies

    DFKI, DFKI Technical Memos (TM), Vol. 98-01, 1998.

  5. Antonio Krüger; Christoph Stahl

    Intelligente Navigation in 3D-Welten: Zur Rolle graphischer Abstraktion

    In: Simulation und Visualisierung. Simulation und Visualisierung (SimVis-98), March 5-6, Magdeburg, Germany, SCS-Verlag, 3/1998.

  6. Antonio Krüger; Christoph Stahl

    Graphical Abstraction and 3D-Hypergraphics: Exploring Large Geometrical 3D-Models

    In: Proceedings of Workshop on Combining AI and Graphics for the Interface of the Future. Workshop on Combining AI and Graphics for the Interface of …

  7. Thomas Kieninger; Andreas Dengel

    A Paper-to-HTML Table Converting System

    In: Proceedings DAS98. IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS), Pages 356-365, 11/1998.

  8. Brockhaus: Die Enzyklopädie (verschiedene Beiträge)

    In: Bibliographisches Institut der F.A. Brockhaus AG (Hrsg.). Brockhaus: Die Enzyklopädie. Bibliographisches Institut der F.A. Brockhaus AG, Leipzig; …

  9. Frank Dubiel; Andreas Dengel

    FormClas - OCR-Free Classification of Forms

    In: Jonathan J. Hull; S. Liebowitz (Hrsg.). Document Analysis Systems II. Pages 189-208, Series in Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence, …

  10. D. Y. Lee; Andreas Dengel

    Document Analysis and Learning

    In: J.J. Hull; S. Liebowitz (Hrsg.). Document Analysis Systems II. Pages 509-511, World Scientific Publishing Co. Inc. 1998.