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Displaying results 31 to 40 of 256.
  1. Berthold Crysmann

    An Asymmetric Theory of Peripheral Sharing in HPSG: Conjunction Reduction and Coordination of Unlikes

    In: Gerhard Jaeger; Paola Monachesi; Gerald Penn; Shuly Wintner (Hrsg.). Proceedings of FGVienna: The 8th Conference on Formal Grammar, Aug 16--17 …

  2. Marc Schröder

    Emotional speech synthesis for emotionally-rich virtual worlds

    In: Proc. of Workshop on emotionally rich virtual worlds with emotion synthesis at the 8th International Conference on 3D Web Technology (Web3D). ACM …

  3. Anette Frank

    Projecting LFG F-Structures from Chunks

    In: Miriam Butt; Tracy Holloway King (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the LFG 2003 Conference. International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference (LFG), Pages …

  4. Anette Frank; Louisa Sadler; Josef A. van Genabith; Andy Way

    From Treebank Resources to LFG F-Structures. Automatic F-Structure Annotation of Treebank Trees and CFGs extracted from Treebanks

    In: Anne Abeille (Hrsg.). Treebanks. Building and using syntactically annotated corpora. Pages 367-389, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, …

  5. Hans-Ulrich Krieger

    SDL - A Description Language for Building NLP Systems

    In: Proceedings of the HLT-NAACL Workshop on the Software Engineering and Architecture of Language Technology Systems. HLT-NAACL Workshop on the …

  6. Andrew D. Bagdanov; Bertin Klein

    Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Document Layout Interpretation and its Applications (DLIA2003)

    DFKI, DFKI Research Reports (RR), Vol. 03-02, 2003.

  7. Hans-Ulrich Krieger

    SDL - A System Description Language

    DFKI, DFKI Research Reports (RR), Vol. 03-01, 2003.

  8. Mark-Jan Nederhof; Giorgio Satta

    Probabilistic parsing as intersection

    In: 8th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies. International Conference on Parsing Technologies (IWPT), LORIA, Nancy, France, Pages 137-148, …

  9. Thierry Declerck; Claudia Crispi

    Multilingual Extension of a Morpho-Syntactic Lattice to Central and Eastern European Languages

    In: Proceedings of IESL. IESL Conference, 2003.

  10. Emily M. Bender; Daniel Flickinger; Frederik Fouvry; Melanie Siegel (Hrsg.)

    Ideas and Strategies for Multilingual Grammar Development. Proceedings of a Workshop during the 5th European Summer School for Logic, Language and Information

    European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI), 2003.