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Displaying results 41 to 50 of 370.
  1. Paul Lukowicz; Andreas Timm-Giel; Michael Lawo; Otthein Herzog

    WearIT@work: Toward Real-World Industrial Wearable Computing

    In: IEEE Pervasive Computing, Vol. 6, No. 4, Pages 8-13, IEEE Educational Activities Department, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 2007.

  2. Mathias Stäger; Paul Lukowicz; Gerhard Tröster

    Power and accuracy trade-offs in sound-based context recognition systems

    In: Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Vol. 3, No. 3, Pages 300-327, Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, The Netherlands, 2007.

  3. Matthias Klusch; K. Hindriks; L. Sterling; M. Papazoglou (Hrsg.)

    Cooperative Information Agents XI. Proceedings of the Eleventh Intenational Workshop

    International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents (CIA-2007), September 19-21, Delft, Netherlands, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence …

  4. Christoph Stahl; Dominikus Heckmann; Tim Schwartz; Oliver Fickert

    Here and Now: A User-Adaptive and Location-Aware Task Planner

    In: International Workshop on Ubiquitous and Decentralized User Modeling (UbiDeUM\2007). International Conference on User Modeling (UM), 11th, June …

  5. Christian Müller; Felix Burkhardt

    Combining Short-term Cepstral and Long-term Prosodic Features for Automatic Recognition of Speaker Age

    In: Proceedings of the Interspeech 2007. Conference in the Annual Series of Interspeech Events (INTERSPEECH-07), August 27-31, Antwerp, Belgium, ISCA, …

  6. Oleg Rostanin; Markus Ludwar

    From informal learner to active content provider: SLEAM approach

    In: Ralf Klamma; Martin Wolpers; Erik Duval (Hrsg.). Poster Session of the 2nd European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning. European …

  7. Oleg Rostanin; Markus Ludwar

    LOExtractor - Rapid Authoring Tool to Support Workflow-Embedded Authoring

    In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Learner-Oriented Knowledge Management & KM-Oriented E-Learning (LOKMOL 2007). Workshop on …

  8. Paul Buitelaar

    Ontology Learning: Where are we? And where are we going? Invited Talk

    In: Proceedings of ESOE - Emergent Semantics and Ontology Evolution - workshop at the International Semantic Web Conference. Emergent Semantics and …

  9. Philipp Cimiano; Peter Haase; Matthias Herold; Matthias Mantel; Paul Buitelaar

    LexOnto: A Model for Ontology Lexicons for Ontology-based NLP

    In: Proceedings of OntoLex - From Text to Knowledge: The Lexicon/Ontology Interface (workshop at the International Semantic Web Conference). …

  10. Yi Zhang

    Robust Deep Linguistic Processing

    PhD-Thesis, Saarland University, 2007.