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Displaying results 31 to 40 of 533.
  1. Carsten Binnig; Donald Kossmann; Tim Kraska; Simon Loesing

    How is the weather tomorrow?: towards a benchmark for the cloud

    In: Benoît Dageville; Carsten Binnig (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Testing Database Systems. International Workshop on …

  2. Wolfgang Maaß; Tobias Kowatsch

    Let's Get Married: Adoption Of Interactive Product Information For Bundle Purchases By Tangible User Interfaces

    In: The 4th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, MCIS 2009, Athens University of Economics and Business, AUEB, Athens, Greece, 25-27 …

  3. Tobias Kowatsch; Wolfgang Maaß; Elgar Fleisch

    The Use Of Free And Paid Digital Product Reviews On Mobile Devices In In-Store Purchase Situations

    In: The 4th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, MCIS 2009, Athens University of Economics and Business, AUEB, Athens, Greece, 25-27 …

  4. User Interfaces for Theorem Provers: Necessary Nuisanec or Unexplored Potential?

    In: Ninth International Workshop on Automated Verification of Critical Systems (AVOCS'09). Workshop on Automated Verification of Critical Systems …

  5. Anette von Kapri; Sebastian Ullrich; Boris Brandherm; Helmut Prending

    Global Lab: an interaction, simulation, and experimentation platform based on Second Life and OpenSimulator

    In: Proceedings Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology (PSIVT'09). Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology (PSIVT-09), …

  6. Antske Fokkens; Laurie Poulson; Emily M. Bender

    Inflectional Morphology in Turkish VP Coordination

    In: Stefan Müller (Hrsg.). The Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. International Conference on …

  7. Tania Avgustinova; Yi Zhang

    Exploiting the Russian National Corpus in the Development of a Russian Resource Grammar

    In: Workshop on Adaptation of Language Resources and Technology to New Domains. International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language …

  8. Tania Avgustinova; Yi Zhang

    Parallel Grammar Engineering for Slavic Languages

    In: Workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks. Joint conference of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the …

  9. Tania Avgustinova; Yi Zhang

    Developing a Russian HPSG based on the Russian National Corpus

    In: Deep Linguistic Processing with HPSG International Cooperation. DELPH-IN Summit, Barcelona, Spain, LINGUIST List: Vol-19-1002. Tue Mar 25 2008. …