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Displaying results 41 to 50 of 598.
  1. Shubham Vyas; Marko Jankovic; Frank Kirchner

    Momentum Based Classification for Robotic Active Debris Removal

    In: 71th International Astronautical Congress. International Astronautical Congress (IAC-2020), located at 71th, October 12-14, Online-Conference, …

  2. Abdul Rafey Aftab; Michael von der Beeck; Michael Feld

    You Have a Point There: Object Selection Inside an Automobile Using Gaze, Head Pose and Finger Pointing

    In: ICMI '20: Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction. ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction …

  3. Joachim Hertzberg; Desiree Heijne; Benjamin Kisliuk; Stephan Scheuren; Stefan Stiene

    Geschützte Transparenz. Über technische und andere Voraussetzungen für die Digitalisierung der Landwirtschaft

    In: Susanne Beck; Carsten Kusche; Brian Valerius (Hrsg.). Digitalisierung, Automatisierung, KI und Recht. Festgabe zum 10-jährigen Bestehen der …

  4. A. Heimann-Steinert; A. Latendorf; Alexander Prange; Daniel Sonntag; U. Müller-Werdan

    Digital pen technology for conducting cognitive assessments: a cross-over study with older adults

    In: Psychological Research, Vol. 85, Pages 1-9, Springer, 2020.

  5. The effects of masking in melanoma image classification with CNNs towards international standards for image preprocessing

    In: 2020 EAI International Symposium on Medical Artificial Intelligence. EAI International Symposium on Medical Artificial Intelligence (MedAI-2020), …

  6. Leveraging Visual Question Answering to Improve Text-to-Image Synthesis

    In: Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Beyond Vision and LANguage: inTEgrating Real-world kNowledge (LANTERN). International Conference on …

  7. Moritz Jonathan Wolf; Dana Ruiter; Ashwin Geet D’Sa; Liane Reiners; Jan Alexandersson; Dietrich Klakow

    HUMAN: Hierarchical Universal Modular ANnotator

    In: Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations. Conference on Empirical Methods in …

  8. Peter Hevesi; Ramprasad Chinnaswamy Devaraj; Matthias Tschöpe; Oliver Petter; Janis Nikolaus Elfert; Vitor Fortes Rey; Marco Hirsch; Paul Lukowicz

    Towards Construction Progress Estimation Based on Images Captured on Site

    In: EAI IndustrialIoT 2020 - 4th EAI International Conference on Industrial IoT Technologies and Applications. EAI International Conference on …

  9. Jessica Heesen; Jörn Müller-Quade; Stefan Wrobel; Jürgen Beyerer; Gunnar Brink; Wolfgang Faisst; Martin Hoffmann; Norbert Huchler; Elsa Andrea Kirchner; Tobias Matzner; Matthias Peissner; Christoph Peylo; Thomas Schauf; Sirko Straube; Oliver Suchy; Susann Wolfgram; Ute Schmid; Frauke Rostalski; Maximilian Poretschkin; Pascal Birnstill

    Zertifizierung von KI-Systemen, Kompass für die Entwicklung und Anwendung vertrauenswürdiger KI-Systeme
