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Displaying results 11 to 20 of 327.
  1. Mohammed Ahmed; Othman E. Abdel-Rahman; Ibrahim E. Ziedan

    Design of a Computer Algorithm for Fine-Tuning of Adaptive Controllers

    In: Advanced Trends in Engineering. Minia International Conference for Advanced Trends in Engineering (MICATE-2005), 3rd, April 3-4, Minia, Egypt, …

  2. Armin Stahl; Martin Schaaf; Ralph Traphöner (Hrsg.)

    Professional Knowledge Management

    German Workshop on Experience Management (GWEM-2005), 3rd, located at In conjunction with the WM 2005, April 10-13, Kaiserslautern, Germany, ISBN …

  3. Margeritta Wilamowitz--Moellendorff; Christian Müller; Anthony Jameson; Boris Brandherm; Tim Schwartz

    Recognition of Time Pressure via Physiological Sensors: Is the User's Motion a Help or a Hindrance?

    In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Adapting the Interaction Style to Affective Factors in conjunction with the User Modeling (UM05). Workshop on …

  4. Kai Kunze; Paul Lukowicz; Holger Junker; Gerhard Tröster

    Where am i: recognizing on-body positions of wearable sensors

    In: Proceedings of the First international conference on Location- and Context-Awareness. International Workshop on Location- and Context-Awareness …

  5. Oliver Amft; Mathias Stäger; Paul Lukowicz; Gerhard Tröster

    Analysis of chewing sounds for dietary monitoring

    In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing. International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp-2005), 7th, …

  6. Josenildo Costa da Silva; C. Giannella; R. Bhargava; H. Kargupta; Matthias Klusch

    Distributed Data Mining and Agents

    In: B. Grabot (Hrsg.). International Journal Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 18, No. 7, Pages 791-807, Elsevier Science …

  7. Matthias Klusch; S. Ossowski; R. Unland

    Preface of the special section on selected best papers of the Ninth International Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents (CIA-2004)

    In: International Journal Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 18, No. 7, Pages 769-770, Elsevier Science, 2005.

  8. T. Eymann; F. Klügel; W. Lamersdorf; Matthias Klusch; M. Huhns (Hrsg.)

    Multi-Agent System Technologies III. Proceedings of the 3rd German Conference

    German Conference on Multiagent System Technologies (MATES-2005), September 11-13, Koblenz, Germany, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), …

  9. Matthias Klusch; M. Calisti; R. Unland (Hrsg.)

    Software Agent-based Applications, Platforms and Development Kits

    Whitestein Technologies Series, ISBN 3 7643 7347 4, Birkhäuser, 2005.

  10. Tim Schwartz; Boris Brandherm; Dominikus Heckmann

    Calculation of the User-Direction in an Always Best Positioned Mobile Localization System

    In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Mobile Systems. Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Mobile Systems (AIMS-2005), …