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Displaying results 201 to 210 of 578.
  1. The Crowd and Persuasion - A Necessity for Individualized Persuasive Technologies?

    Personalizing Behavior Change Technologies CHI 2014 Workshop, 4/2014.

  2. Michael Backes; Rainer W. Gerling; Sebastian Gerling; Stefan Nürnberger; Dominique Schröder; Mark Simkin

    WebTrust - A Comprehensive Authenticity and Integrity Framework for HTTP

    In: ACNS. International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS-2014), June 10-13, Lausanne, Switzerland, Pages 401-418, Lecture …

  3. Stephan Weyer; Matthias Loskyll; Moritz Ohmer; Detlef Zühlke

    Die Anschlusstechnik für die smarte Fabrik

    In: Computer & Automation (C&G), Vol. 4, Pages 15-18, WEKA FACHMEDIEN GmbH, 2014.

  4. O. Mayora; Paul Lukowicz; M. Marschollek

    Evolving Pervasive Health Research into Clinical Practice

    In: Methods of Information in Medicine, Vol. 53, No. 5, Pages 380-381, Schattauer, Stuttgart, 10/2014.

  5. George Kampis; Paul Lukowicz

    Collaborative localization as a paradigm for incremental knowledge fusion

    In: 5th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunication. IEEE Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom-14), November 5-7, …

  6. Andreas Poxrucker; Gernot Bahle; Paul Lukowicz

    Towards a Real-World Simulator for Collaborative Distributed Learning in the Scenario of Urban Mobility

    In: 2014 IEEE Eighth International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems Workshops. IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive …

  7. David Enke; Nijat Mehdiyev

    A Hybrid Neuro-fuzzy Model to Forecast Inflation

    In: Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 6, Pages 254-260, Elsevier, 2014.

  8. Nijat Mehdiyev; David Enke

    Interest rate prediction: a neuro-hybrid approach with data preprocessing

    In: International Journal of General Systems, Vol. 43, No. 5, Pages 535-550, Taylor and Francis, 2014.

  9. Paolo Pedrazzoli; Donatella Corti; Marco Dal Lago; Jan Willem Gunnink; Petra Lugtenburg; Jacopo Cassina; Stephan Weyer; Dominic Gorecky; Dimitris Mourtzis; Michael Doukas; Marco Taisch

    European Research Roadmap: Pointing out research priorities leading to the next generation of simulation and forecasting technologies

    European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration, Pages 1-105, European Factories of the Future …

  10. Harald Weber; Fabian Quint; Frank Eierdanz; Nicole Ottersböck; Dominic Gorecky

    Nutzerzentrierte Gestaltung von mobilen, kontext-sensitiven Assistenzsystemen für einen vereinfachten Wissensaustausch in komplexen Produktionsszenarien

    In: VDI Wissensforum GmbH (Hrsg.). 7. VDI/VDE Fachtagung. VDI-Fachtagung Nutzergerechte Gestaltung technischer Systeme (USEWARE-14), Smarte …