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Displaying results 11 to 20 of 256.
  1. Markus Nick; Klaus-Dieter Althoff (Hrsg.)

    German Workshop on Experience Management

    German Workshop on Experience Management (GWEM-2003), April 2-4, Luzern, Switzerland, CEUR, 2003.

  2. Ralph Bergmann; Klaus-Dieter Althoff; Sean Breen; Mehmet Göker; Michel Manago; Ralph Traphöner; Stefan Wess

    Developing Industrial Case-Based Reasoning Applications

    Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), Vol. 1612, Springer, 2003.

  3. Andreas Jedlitschka; Klaus-Dieter Althoff

    Case-Based User Modeling in an Experience Management System

    In: KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, German Journal on Artificial Intelligence - Organ des Fachbereiches "Künstliche Intelligenz" der Gesellschaft für …

  4. M.B. Hoffmann; Sirko Straube; M. Bach

    Pattern-onset stimulation boosts central multifocal VEP responses

    In: Journal of Vision, Vol. 3, Pages 432-439, Arvo, 2003.

  5. Frank Wittig; Christian Müller

    Implicit Feedback for User-Adaptive Systems by Analyzing the User's Speech

    In: ABIS-03, Adaptivität und Benutzermodellierung in interaktiven Softwaresystemen. GI-Workshop "Adaptivität und Benutzermodellierung in interaktiven …

  6. Thomas Breuel

    Information Extraction from HTML Documents by Structural Matching

    In: Second International Workshop on Web Document Analysis. International Workshop on Web Document Analysis (WDA-2003), located at ICDAR 2003, August …

  7. Thomas Breuel

    Reflowable Document Images for the Web

    In: Web Document Analysis 2003. International Workshop on Web Document Analysis (WDA-2003), located at ICDAR 2003, August 3, Edinburgh, United …

  8. Christian Kray; Antonio Krüger; Christoph Endres

    Some Issues on Presentations in Intelligent Environments

    In: Emile H. L. Aarts; René Collier; Evert van Loenen; Boris E. R. de Ruyter (Hrsg.). Ambient Intelligence, First European Symposium, EUSAI 2003, …

  9. Mark-Jan Nederhof

    Weighted deductive parsing and Knuth's algorithm

    In: Computational Linguistics (CL), Vol. 29, No. 1, Pages 135-143, 2003.

  10. Berthold Crysmann

    An Asymmetric Theory of Peripheral Sharing in HPSG: Conjunction Reduction and Coordination of Unlikes

    In: Gerhard Jaeger; Paola Monachesi; Gerald Penn; Shuly Wintner (Hrsg.). Proceedings of FGVienna: The 8th Conference on Formal Grammar, Aug 16--17 …