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Displaying results 71 to 80 of 270.
  1. Markus Eich; M. Kemper; S. Fatikow

    A Navigation System Concept for an Indoor Micro Air Vehicle

    In: First European Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition. European Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition, Vol. 0, 2004.

  2. Christine Daun

    Service Engineering - How to develop new services

    In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on "The Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of the Industrial Enterprises …

  3. Christine Daun; Ralf Stefan Klein

    Vorgehensweisen zur systematischen Entwicklung von Dienstleistungen im Überblick

    In: August-Wilhelm Scheer; Dieter Spath (Hrsg.). Computer Aided Service Engineering - Informationssysteme in der Dienstleistungsentwicklung. Pages …

  4. M. Bender; S. Kraus; Florian Kupsch; G. Shegalov; G. Weikum; Dirk Werth; C. Zimmer

    Peer-to-Peer-Technologie für unternehmensweites und organisationsübergreifendes Workflow-Management

    In: Tagungsband der 34. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, Ulm. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik (INFORMATIK), 2004.

  5. Otmar Adam; Dirk Werth; Fabrice Zangl

    ARIS in Cross-Border E-Government - Integrated Automation of Public Services for the InfoCitizen

    In: August-Wilhelm Scheer; F. Abolhassan; W. Jost; M. Kirchmer (Hrsg.). Business Process Automation - ARIS in Practice. Pages 159-178, ISBN …

  6. Felix-Robinson Aschoff; Franz Schmalhofer; Ludger van Elst

    Knowledge Mediation: A Procedure for the Cooperative Construction of Domain Ontologies

    In: Enrico Motta; Nigel Shadbolt; Arthur Stutt; Nick Gibbins (Hrsg.). Engineering Knowledge in the Age of the Semantic Web: Proceedings of the 14th …

  7. Felix-Robinson Aschoff; Franz Schmalhofer; Ludger van Elst

    Knowledge Mediation: A Procedure for the Cooperative Construction of Domain Ontologies

    In: Andreas Abecker; Ludger van Elst; Virginia Dignum (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the ECAI-2004 Workshop on Agent-mediated Knowledge Management …

  8. Christoph Altenhofen; Haigo Hofmann; Thomas Kieninger; Mirjana Stanisic-Petrovic

    Results of a Survey about the Use of Tools in the Area of Document Management

    In: Andreas Dengel; Markus Junker; Anette Weisbecker (Hrsg.). Reading and Learning - Adaptive Content Recognition. Pages 328-354, Lecture Notes in …

  9. Connie Adsett; Ansgar Bernardi; Sandy Liu; Bruce Spencer

    Realizing Weak Workflow with Declarative Flexible XML Routing in SOAP

    In: Proc. of the Business Agents and the Semantic Web (BASeWEB 04) Workshop. In conjunction with The 17th Canadian Conference on Artificial …

  10. Adrian Ulges; Christoph Lampert; Thomas Breuel

    Document Capture using Stereo Vision

    In: ACM Symposium on Document Engineering. ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng), Milwaukee, Pages 198-200, ACM, 10/2004.