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From Smart Clothing to Smart Table Cloth: Design and Implementation of a Large Scale, Textile Pressure Matrix Sensor

Bo Zhou; Jingyuan Cheng; Mathias Sundholm; Paul Lukowicz
In: International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems. International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS-14), February 25-28, Lübeck, Germany, Lecture Notes on Computer Science (LNCS), Springer , 2014.


We describe the design and implementation of an unobtrusive, cheap, large scale, pressure sensor matrix that can be used for a variety of applications ranging from smart clothing, through smart furniture, to an intelligent table cloth or carpet. The specific functionality and with it most of the complexity lies in the electronics and the processing software. We propose a scalable, modular architecture for such electronics, describe a prototype implementation, and present the results of its application to three different scenarios.