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Architecture Concept for the Integration of Cyber-Physical Transport Modules in modular production environments

Alexander David; Max Birtel; Achim Wagner; Martin Ruskowski
In: Procedia Manufacturing, Vol. 51, Pages 1111-1116, Elsevier, 2020.


The present paper focuses on the modular, vendor-independent production environment and the need for an integration of Autonomous Guided Vehicles (AGV). In future systems AGVs are considered as Cyber-Physical Transport Modules (CPTM), which are characterized by their interoperable interface and Industrie 4.0 characteristics. In our architecture concept the process logistics and the production control entities interact with the Cyber-Physical Logistics Centre which is the main interface connected to CPTM. Within this architecture it is possible to integrate AGVs vendor-independent and holistic. After the introduction of the modular, vendor-independent production, the state of the art regarding AGV with a focus on their information models and IT-Systems is given. We develop a concept for the integration of CPTM into existing modular production environments (brownfield) including physical, human and information interfaces. In an outlook, we aim to implement this concept into a real-life production and environment consisting of vendor-independent cyber-physical production modules (CPPM). Future work should focus on developing the structure and information model of the interface. Therefore, one key technology in the field of Industrie 4.0 is the Asset Administration Shell.