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The “Retailio” Privacy Wizard: Assisting Users with Privacy Settings for Intelligent Retail Stores

Frederic Raber; David Ziemann; Antonio Krüger
In: Charles Weir; Michelle Mazurek (Hrsg.). EuroUSEC '18 : 3rd European Workshop on Usable Security. EuroUSEC European Workshop on Usable Security (EuroUSEC-18), 3rd, located at IEEE Conference on Security & Privacy, April 23, London, UCL, United Kingdom, ISBN, Internet Society, 2018.


Intelligent retail stores like Amazon Go collect and process a large amount of shoppers’ personal data to offer their service. In this paper we present Retailio, privacy management software that allows the customer to select the private data that should be accessible by retail stores. A privacy wizard helps the user to set her privacy settings, by using either a small informal privacy questionnaire or privacy measures extracted out of the user’s Facebook posts for a machine learning-based prediction of user-tailored privacy settings. We conducted an expert interview to determine the different types of data that could be recorded in intelligent retail stores, and performed a user study to find out whether their disclosures correlate with shoppers’ personalities. Retailio was evaluated in a validation study, regarding accuracy of the privacy wizard and user experience of the software. Our results show that there is a strong correlation between the IUIPC questionnaire and the data disclosure choice, which allowed us to predict the privacy settings with 70% accuracy.
