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The Importance of Social Relations for Well-Being Change in Old Age - Do Game Preferences Change As Well?

Maximilian Altmeyer; Pascal Lessel
Proceedings of the Positive Gaming: Workshop on Gamification and Games for Wellbeing. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 15, 2017, 10/2017.


Gamified systems may help older adults to remain physically, cognitively and socially active, which has positive effects on well-being. However, social aspects of psychological wellbeing change during life course, i.e., the importance of positive social relationships for well-being increases between young or middle aged persons and seniors. In this paper, we explore whether these changes are reflected in the game preferences of seniors aged 75 and older. We report findings of a semistructured interview and a preliminary player classification survey (N=18, mean age=84.61). We found indications that there are differences in game preferences and the perception of game elements that are related to the increased importance of social relationships for well-being in older ages.

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