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Open Agent-based Interoperability Framework for First Responders

Marc Gräßle; Dima Panfilenko; Zoltán Balogh; Emil Gatial; Dirk Werth; Ladislav Hluchý; Peter Loos
In: Bonn Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.; Hans-Ulrich Heiß; Peter Pepper; Holger Schlingloff; Jörg Schneider (Hrsg.). Proceedings Informatik 2011: Informatik schafft Communities. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik (INFORMATIK), 41. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, located at Informatik 2011, October 4-7, Berlin, Germany, ISBN 3885792869, Köllen, 10/2011.


Routine operations of Emergency First Responders are usually well managed. The situation is different for mass casualty emergencies where more people and properties are threatened. In such situations there are no pre-defined plans in place and mitigation is solved mostly through crisis management. Our approach addresses operational challenges of First Responders and complementary challenges in analyzing information from multiple sources to provide advanced capabilities for command and control in emergency response.


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