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RADAR - Potentials for Supporting Urban Development with a Social Geocontent Hub

Martin Memmel; Florian Groß
In: Manfred Schrenk; Vasily V. Popovich; Peter Zeile (Hrsg.). Proceedings of REAL CORP 2011. International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society (REAL CORP-11), Change as requirement for stability of cities and regions, May 18-20, Essen, Germany, Pages 777-784, ISBN 978-3-9503110-1-3, CORP - Competence Center of Urban and Regional Planning, 5/2011.


In recent years, a plenitude of mobile services is being developed and used that aim to offer access to relevant information based on a user's location. These services - usually referred to as augmented reality services - allow for new ways to supplement and enhance urban development processes, and they offer new means to exchange knowledge and to foster innovation. Yet, the task of providing information for such services is complex, and there's no uniform contribution process that can be applied for the different tools. Thus, content provision is restricted to only few experts, and knowledge exchange between services is hardly possible at all. These facts hinder an adoption of augmented reality services by a larger user community, and they have a negative impact on the realisation of scenarios aiming to exploit the potentials of augmented reality services. We will present the RADAR system that realises an open infrastructure to manage and aggregate arbitrary location-dependent multimedia from different sources like the Social and Semantic Web or digital repositories. It provides an own mobile client for personalised information delivery, but contents can also be used within existing augmented reality services like Layar, Wikitude or ALOQA. Especially in the field of spatial planning, interesting use cases arise. The possibility to make planned future states of the built environment 'tangible' right on spot - in the form of images, documents and three-dimensional models - opens up new ways of informing citizens. Also, because of its facilities to easily contribute user generated content, RADAR offers a variety of opportunities to foster civic participation.
