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MARS: A Specialized RTE System for Parser Evaluation

Rui Wang; Yi Zhang
In: Proceedings of the SemEval-2010 Evaluation Exercises on Semantic Evaluation. International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2010), Evaluation Exercises on Semantic Evaluation, located at ACL 2010, July 15-16, Uppsala, Sweden, Association for Computational Linguistics, 7/2010.


This paper describes our participation in the the SemEval-2010 Task #12, Parser Evaluation using Textual Entailment. Our system incorporated two dependency parsers, one semantic role labeler, and a deep parser based on hand-crafted grammars. The shortest path algorithm is applied on the graph representation of the parser outputs. Then, different types of features are extracted and the entailment recognition is casted into a machine-learning-based classification task. The best setting of the system achieves 66.78% of accuracy, which ranks the 3rd place.