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CASA: A Distributed Holonic Multiagent Architecture for Timber Production

Andreas Gerber; Nils Kammenhuber; Matthias Klusch
In: Proceedings of the first International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-02), July 15-19, Bologna, Italy, Pages 551-552, ACM Press, 2002.


In the forestry domain producing and trading goods have to be done more and more just-in-time. Therefore a more flexible and accessible planning and scheduling system for the production is needed. To follow up this purpose, as well as the technological trend of pervasive computing, a project called CASA was founded. The CASA project (Co-operative Agents and Integrated Services for Logistic and Electronic Trading in Forestry and Agriculture) focuses on the development of an agent-based information and trading network (ITN) establishing mobile, integrated services in selected application scenarios. Hereby agent-mediated services of the CASA ITN support the main operative business processes which users are performing in each of the following application scenarios: (1) customer-oriented, dynamic timber production, (2) mobile trading of timber via different types of auctions, fixed or negotiable price, and (3) electronic trading of cereals. But for reasons of space limitation in the following we focus on the customer-oriented dynamic timber production.