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Social Tagging and Learning: The Fuzzy Line between Private and Public Space

Andrea Kohlhase; Milena Reichel
In: Nikos Karacapilidis (Hrsg.). Novel Developments in Web-Based Learning Technologies: Tools for Modern Teaching. Chapter 11, Pages 199-210, Advances in Web-based Learning (AWBL), Information Science Reference, 1/2010.


Social tagging systems celebrate enormous growth rates on the World Wide Web. In this chapter, we want to look at social tagging from an educational perspective, particularly its use for educational environments. We identify the processes underlying social tagging from an embodied interaction perspective. We will support the thesis that emerging folksonomies are at the base of meaningful interaction processes between user and system and also, at the same time, social processes between groups of people. We argue that the fuzzy line between private and public space plays a crucial role. Moreover, tags represent embodied conceptualizations, whose potential effectiveness for learning in e-Learning we will discuss. We will provide an example of an e-Learning software for children (Amici, implemented by one of the authors), in which social tagging is used to support sharing in a programming environment, to showcase how embodiment of conceptualization is achieved through tagging in the system.
