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IntEr-HRI Competition: Intrinsic Error Evaluation during Human-Robot Interaction

Kartik Chari; Niklas Küper; Su-Kyoung Kim; Frank Kirchner; Elsa Andrea Kirchner
In: Proceedings of the Thirty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-24. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2024), August 5-9, Jeju Island, Korea, Republic of, Pages 8623-8626, International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 8/2024.


Reliable detection of human intentions from electroencephalogram (EEG) to improve human-robot interaction (HRI) has recently gained significant importance. To ensure safe and satisfactory interactions, implicit detection of erroneous behavior of robotic systems, particularly assistive devices, is essential. This can be achieved by detecting error-related potentials (ErrPs) in EEG, evoked by visual, tactile, or visuo-tactile stimuli. Of these, the ErrPs evoked tactilely with the help of a robot remains unexplored and has been the main focus of this competition. The task for participating teams was to develop robust AI models for continuous real-time classification of erroneous behavior of assistive robotic devices from the human EEG. Even though the competition results prove its feasibility, a performance gap (balanced accuracy and computation time) of more than 10% was observed between the offline and online classification of errors in real-world scenarios. In addition to the competitive AI models developed by the participating teams, this competition also contributed towards a one-of-its-kind open-access EEG and EMG dataset, a lossless live streaming solution for EEG data, and a novel quantitative metric for benchmarking online asynchronous EEG detection solutions.


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