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SynSemClass for German: Extending a Multilingual Verb Lexicon

Peter Bourgonje; Karolina Zaczynska; Julian Moreno Schneider; Georg Rehm; Zdenka Uresova; Jan Haijc
In: Adrian Paschke; Georg Rehm; Jamal Al Qundus; Clemens Neudecker; Lydia Pintscher (Hrsg.). Proceedings of QURATOR 2021 -- Conference on Digital Curation Technologies. Conference on Digital Curation Technologies (QURATOR-2021), February 8-12, Berlin/Virtual, Germany, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2/2021.


We present the concept of extending a multilingual verb lexicon also to include German. In this lexicon, verbs are grouped by meaning and by semantic properties (following frame semantics) to form multilingual classes, linking Czech and English verbs. Entries are further linked to external lexical resources like VerbNet and PropBank. In this paper, we present our plan also to include German verbs, by experimenting with word alignments to obtain candidates linked to existing English entries, and identify possible approaches to obtain semantic role information. In addition, we identify German-speci c lexical resources to link to. This small-scale pilot study aims to provide a blueprint for extending a lexical resource with a new language.
