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A Field Study: The Perception of Edge Computing for Production Industry

Volkan Gezer; Jakob Zietsch; Nils Weinert; Martin Ruskowski
In: The Thirteenth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing. International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies (UBICOMM), September 22-26, Porto, Portugal, Pages 92-96, Vol. 13, ISBN 978-1-61208-736-8, IARIA, 9/2019.


The progressing digitalization of factories coincides with a growing amount of raw data being available in order to create valuable, data driven application. The Edge Computing paradigm is one of the key enablers to realize beneficial solutions, since it helps overcome obstacles such as capacity and latency restrictions or data privacy and protection requirements. However, realized industrial applications of Edge Computing Applications are rather limited as of today. Therefore, as part of the Factory Automation Edge Computing Operating System Reference Implementation (FAR-EDGE) project, a series of expert interviews covering viewpoints from both industry and academia was conducted in order to gain deeper insight on limiting factors and development challenges and expectations. The results are presented in this paper forming a brief snapshot of the current perception of Edge Computing contributing to the creation of an overall understanding of the needs of the manufacturing industry.

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