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Displaying results 1 to 9 of 9.
  1. KI4KL – KI für Kommunale Leistungen

    KI4KL – KI für Kommunale Leistungen

    In Antwort auf die Ausschreibung Nr. 10/4.1-2023-0335 der Stadt Gelsenkirchen hat die Westfälische Hochschule ein Angebot „für den Aufbau und Betrieb …

  2. MOMENTUM – Robust Learning with Hybrid AI for Trustworthy Interaction of Humans and Machines in Complex Environments

    MOMENTUM – Robust Learning with Hybrid AI for Trustworthy Interaction of Humans and Machines in Complex Environments

    MOMENTUM is a research project dedicated to TRUSTED-AI, which aims to advance the development and application of artificial intelligence by …

  3. INTE:GRATE – Intelligent Green Mobility in Saarland

    INTE:GRATE – Intelligent Green Mobility in Saarland

    In rural areas, mobility is often highly individualized (e.g., private cars), leading to a range of challenges, including increased traffic density, …

  4. ENGAGE – NExt GeNeration ComputinG Environments for Artificial intelliGEnce

    ENGAGE – NExt GeNeration ComputinG Environments for Artificial intelliGEnce

    ENGAGE is a project within the framework of the strategic research and innovation agenda of DFKI and Inria in the field of artificial intelligence. …

  5. STAR – Safe and Trusted Human Centric ARtificial Intelligence in Future Manufacturing Lines

    STAR – Safe and Trusted Human Centric ARtificial Intelligence in Future Manufacturing Lines

    STAR is a joint effort of AI and digital manufacturing experts towards enabling the deployment of standard-based secure, safe and reliable …

  6. KI-Mobil – AI for Mobility, Logistic and Energy

    KI-Mobil – AI for Mobility, Logistic and Energy

    The goal of KI-mobil is the realization of an AI-supported software platform for disruptive, resource-saving and high-performance mobility concepts, …

  7. Daystream – Data AnalYtics and AI for Secure, Trusted, and REliAble Mobility

    Daystream – Data AnalYtics and AI for Secure, Trusted, and REliAble Mobility

    The main goal of DAYSTREAM project is the development of data-driven applications for early recognition, real-time tracking and optimal prediction of …

  8. GaNEsHA – Ganzheitlicher Netzwerkansatz zur Erkennung systemimmanenter Hindernisse und Abstimmungspotentiale

    GaNEsHA – Ganzheitlicher Netzwerkansatz zur Erkennung systemimmanenter Hindernisse und Abstimmungspotentiale

    Das GaNEsHA-Projekt adressiert Ursachen des Verkehrskollapses wie Intransparenz, fehlende Marktsteuerung, egoistisches Verhalten, geringe …

  9. PRO-OPT – PRO-OPT - Big Data  in Smart Ecosystems

    PRO-OPT – PRO-OPT - Big Data in Smart Ecosystems

    Partners Audi AG AUDI camLine GmbH DSA ‐ Daten‐ und Systemtechnik GmbH Fraunhofer Gesellschaft: Fraunhofer Institut für Experimentelles Software …