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Displaying results 21 to 24 of 24.
  1. CrowdHEALTH – Collective Wisdom Driving Public Health Policies

    CrowdHEALTH – Collective Wisdom Driving Public Health Policies

    In the last few years information and communication technologies as well as sensors and applications that support personalized medical treatment …

  2. ModEst_RD – Walker-module for posture-recognition and fall-prevention

    ModEst_RD – Walker-module for posture-recognition and fall-prevention

    Walkers play an important role in the everyday life of many people and the correct use must be properly learned and practiced continuously. The aim of …

  3. Kognit – Cognitive Models and Mixed Reality for Dementia Patients

    Kognit – Cognitive Models and Mixed Reality for Dementia Patients

    In Kognit we enter the mixed reality realm for helping dementia patients. Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability severe enough to …

  4. ASSAM – Assistants for Safe Mobility

    ASSAM – Assistants for Safe Mobility

    The ASSAM project aims to compensate for declining physical and cognitive capabilities of elderly persons by user-centred development of modular …