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Displaying results 1 to 10 of 12.
  1. RIG – Robotics Institute Germany

    RIG – Robotics Institute Germany

    Robotics Institute Germany, national joint project of robotics research in Germany, coordinated by TU Munich The Robotics Institute Germany is an …

  2. LALWeco – Long-term Autonomous Laser Weed Control

    LALWeco – Long-term Autonomous Laser Weed Control

    The LALWeco project aims to combine an autonomous robot with a modular laser unit for weed control. This robot autonomously navigates through the crop …

  3. R4Agri – Reasoning auf landwirtschaftlichen Daten - Integration von Metriken und qualitativen Perspektiven

    R4Agri – Reasoning auf landwirtschaftlichen Daten - Integration von Metriken und qualitativen Perspektiven

    "Entferne schädliches Unkraut auf dem Feld, aber setze keine chemischen Mittel in der Nähe eines Gewässers ein!" Bei der Durchführung …

  4. smartMILC – smart Multisensor Integration for Livestock Care

    smartMILC – smart Multisensor Integration for Livestock Care

    Im Projekt smartMILC wird das Konzept eines „digitalen Stalls“ zur Unterstützung von landwirtschaftlichen Prozessen und Services mit besonderem …

  5. CognitiveWeeding – selective management of harmful and non-harmful weeds using artificial intelligence

    CognitiveWeeding – selective management of harmful and non-harmful weeds using artificial intelligence

    The spontaneous vegetation that accompanies arable farming (generally referred to as (un)harmful weeds) can lead to major yield losses if not …

  6. Open6GHub – 6G for Society and Sustainability

    Open6GHub – 6G for Society and Sustainability

    The project "Open6GHub" develops a 6G vision for sovereign citizens in a hyper-connected world from 2030. The aim of the Open6GHub is to provide …

  7. IQexpert – Use of innovative data analysis and artificial intelligence for udder health management, incorporating the latest research approaches in bulk milk analysis and image-based animal identification

    IQexpert – Use of innovative data analysis and artificial intelligence for udder health management, incorporating the latest research approaches in bulk milk analysis and image-based animal identification

    The IQexpert project aims to develop an artificial intelligence-based expert system for strategic udder health management (XTE) in dairy cows. The …

  8. DIGITbrain – Digital twins bringing agility and innovation to manufacturing SMEs, by empowering a network of DIHs with an integrated digital platform that enables Manufacturing as a Service (MaaS)

    DIGITbrain – Digital twins bringing agility and innovation to manufacturing SMEs, by empowering a network of DIHs with an integrated digital platform that enables Manufacturing as a Service (MaaS)

    DIGITbrain Project is an EU innovation program to give SMEs easy access to digital twins. A Digital Twin is the virtual representation of a product, …

  9. ZLA – Zukunftslabor Agrar

    ZLA – Zukunftslabor Agrar

    Digitisation of agriculture (DdL), like digitisation in every field of application, requires technical permeability of the value creation networks …

  10. EVAREST – Development and utilization of data products in the food industry via smart services

    EVAREST – Development and utilization of data products in the food industry via smart services

    The objective of EVAREST is the development and utilization of data products as economic goods in the ecosystem of food production based on an open, …