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Displaying results 41 to 50 of 109.
  1. SEMAINE – Sustained Emotionally coloured Machine-human Interaction using Nonverbal Expression

    SEMAINE – Sustained Emotionally coloured Machine-human Interaction using Nonverbal Expression

    The aim of the SEMAINE project is to build a Sensitive Artificial Listener – a multimodal dialogue system with the social interaction skills needed …

  2. D-SPIN – Deutsche Sprachressourcen-Infrastruktur

    D-SPIN – Deutsche Sprachressourcen-Infrastruktur

    The D-SPIN project is the German complementary project to the ESFRI Project "CLARIN". A main goal of D-SPIN consists in the development of a eScience …

  3. Checkpoint – Checkpoint - Hybride Grammatik- und Stilprüfung

    Checkpoint – Checkpoint - Hybride Grammatik- und Stilprüfung

    Ziel des Vorhabens „Checkpoint“ ist die anwendungsorientierte Grundlagenforschung in einem Teilbereich der Computerlinguistik und Sprachtechnologie, …

  4. Förderprogramm THESEUS_MED_LT – Support Program Theseus Medico Use Case

    Förderprogramm THESEUS_MED_LT – Support Program Theseus Medico Use Case

    The vision of the application scenario MEDICO is: Establishing of image syntax and semantics based on image vocabularies to build an intelligent …

  5. IDEX – IDEX


    Interactive Dynamic Information Extraction This project performs basic research in information extraction (IE), a highly innovative sub-field of AI. …

  6. IDEAS4GAMES – Intelligent dialogue control and expressive speech synthesis for computer games

    IDEAS4GAMES – Intelligent dialogue control and expressive speech synthesis for computer games

    This project addresses novel interaction paradigms and technologies for enhancing the flexibility of interaction and dialogue management in computer …

  7. QALL-ME – Question Answering Learning technologies in a multilingual and Multimodal Environment

    QALL-ME – Question Answering Learning technologies in a multilingual and Multimodal Environment

    "Where can I eat paella this evening?". Answering this kind of question has recently become a concrete business opportunity, with a large array of …

  8. PAVOQUE – PArametrisation of prosody and VOice QUality for concatenative speech synthesis in view of Emotion expression

    PAVOQUE – PArametrisation of prosody and VOice QUality for concatenative speech synthesis in view of Emotion expression

    A major obstacle for the acceptability of speech synthesis is its lack of expressivity. In order to convey emotions or other expressions …

  9. MESH – Multimedia Semantic Syndication for Enhanced News Services

    MESH – Multimedia Semantic Syndication for Enhanced News Services

    MESH will apply multimedia analysis and reasoning tools, network agents and content management techniques to extract, compare and combine meaning from …

  10. RASCALLI – Responsive Artificial Situated Cognitive Agents Living and Learning on the Internet

    RASCALLI – Responsive Artificial Situated Cognitive Agents Living and Learning on the Internet

    The project RASCALLI aims at the development of responsive artificial situated cognitive agents that live and learn on the Internet (Rascalli). …