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Displaying results 51 to 58 of 58.
  1. TRACTAT – Transfer of Control (ToC) zwischen Autonomen Systemen und Menschen

    TRACTAT – Transfer of Control (ToC) zwischen Autonomen Systemen und Menschen

    The TRACTAT project aims to lay the foundation for a smooth and effective Transfer of Control (ToC) between autonomous systems and humans in …

  2. DAKARA – Design and application of an ultra-compact, energy-efficient and reconfigurable camera matrix for spatial analysis

    DAKARA – Design and application of an ultra-compact, energy-efficient and reconfigurable camera matrix for spatial analysis

    Within the DAKARA project an ultra-compact, energy-efficient and reconfigurable camera matrix is developed. In addition to standard color images, it …

  3. MRK4.0 – Innovationslabor MRK 4.0 - Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration für Industrie 4.0

    MRK4.0 – Innovationslabor MRK 4.0 - Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration für Industrie 4.0

    Objectives of the innovation laboratory MRK4.0 is the concrete test and implementation of human Robot Collaboration for Industrie 4.0.

  4. COROMA – Cognitively enhanced robot for flexible manufacturing of metal and composite parts

    COROMA – Cognitively enhanced robot for flexible manufacturing of metal and composite parts

    The goal of the COROMA project is to develop a cognitively enhanced robot that can execute multiple tasks for the manufacturing of metal and composite …

  5. Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Kaiserslautern – Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Kaiserslautern

    Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Kaiserslautern – Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Kaiserslautern

    Das Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Kaiserslautern ist Teil des bundesweiten Netzwerkes Mittelstand-Digital. Mit Mittelstand-Digital unterstützt das …

  6. HYSOCIATEA – Hybrid Social Teams for Long-Term Collaboration in Cyber-Physical Environments

    HYSOCIATEA – Hybrid Social Teams for Long-Term Collaboration in Cyber-Physical Environments

    The project HySociaTea (Hybrid Social Teams for Long-Term Collaboration in Cyber-Physical Environments), which is funded by the German Federal …

  7. VISTRA – Virtual Simulation and Training of Assembly and Service Processes in Digital Factories

    VISTRA – Virtual Simulation and Training of Assembly and Service Processes in Digital Factories

    The information gap between virtual product and manufacturing engineering and the physical start of production is a fundamental problem for European …

  8. RES-COM – Ressourcenschonung durch kontextaktivierte M2M-Kommunikation

    RES-COM – Ressourcenschonung durch kontextaktivierte M2M-Kommunikation

    Die effiziente Schonung natürlicher Ressourcen wie Energie, Luft, Wasser und wertvoller Rohstoffe wird zukünftig vor allem softwaregesteuert und …