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Displaying results 81 to 90 of 226.
  1. ENGAGE – NExt GeNeration ComputinG Environments for Artificial intelliGEnce

    ENGAGE – NExt GeNeration ComputinG Environments for Artificial intelliGEnce

    ENGAGE is a project within the framework of the strategic research and innovation agenda of DFKI and Inria in the field of artificial intelligence. …

  2. VidGenSense – Methods for Generating Synthetic Wearable And Ubiquitous Sensor Training Data

    VidGenSense – Methods for Generating Synthetic Wearable And Ubiquitous Sensor Training Data

    As wearable sensors have become more and more ubiquitous one would expect human activity recognition (HAR) systems to increasingly move out of the lab …

  3. GAIA-X 4 ROMS – GAIA-X 4 ROMS - Support und Remote-Operation automatisierter und vernetzter Mobility Services

    GAIA-X 4 ROMS – GAIA-X 4 ROMS - Support und Remote-Operation automatisierter und vernetzter Mobility Services

    Neue Mobilitätslösungen sollen den Transport von Personen und Gütern auch unter Klimaschutz-Aspekten sichern. Ansätze liegen hier neben der …

  4. PM4Audit – KI-Lab eurodata – DFKI

    PM4Audit – KI-Lab eurodata – DFKI

    Durchführung einer KI-gestützten Buchungssatzanalyse, mit dem Ziel, Buchungen zu unterstützen, zu bewerten bis hin diese zu automatisieren. Dazu …

  5. AI4DTE – Artificial Intelligence (AI) Enhanced Earth Observation (EO) for on Digital Twin Earth (DTE)

    AI4DTE – Artificial Intelligence (AI) Enhanced Earth Observation (EO) for on Digital Twin Earth (DTE)

    A digital twin of the earth will allow science and policy users alike to gain insights of our earth system and will help with decision support. We …

  6. AI4EO Solution Factory – Artificial Intelligence for Earth Observation Solution Factory

    AI4EO Solution Factory – Artificial Intelligence for Earth Observation Solution Factory

    Within the AI4EO Solution Factory we combine our AI expertise with EO data to develop customized state-of-the-art solutions for business cases as …

  7. MaLeBeCo – Machine Learning Application Benchmarking on COTS Inference Processors

    MaLeBeCo – Machine Learning Application Benchmarking on COTS Inference Processors

    The main objectives of the activity cover the following aspects: Generation of a reusable and open reference dataset: For this activity several …

  8. CurATime – Cluster für Atherothrombose und individualisierte Medizin

    CurATime – Cluster für Atherothrombose und individualisierte Medizin

    Cardiovascular diseases, in particular myocardial infarction and stroke, are the leading cause of death worldwide. Atherothrombosis underlies almost …

  9. Aviator2_SLT – Augmented Visual Intelligence and Targeted Online Research 2

    Aviator2_SLT – Augmented Visual Intelligence and Targeted Online Research 2

    Augmented visual intelligence and Targeted online research (AviaTor) Phase 2 builds upon the first AviaTor project. AviaTor provides law enforcement …

  10. KAINE – Knowledge based learning platform with Artificial Intelligent structured content

    KAINE – Knowledge based learning platform with Artificial Intelligent structured content

    The goal of the research project KAINE (Knowledge based learning platform with Artificial Intelligent structured content) is to better take into …