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Displaying results 11 to 20 of 38.
  1. Ageing Smart – Ageing Smart - Räume intelligent gestalten

    Ageing Smart – Ageing Smart - Räume intelligent gestalten

    The interdisciplinary research project Ageing Smart - Designing Spaces Intelligently at the TU Kaiserslautern addresses the "baby boomer" generation …

  2. NoStrandAMust – NoStrandAMust - Bodenkontaktsimulation zur Verbesserung der Lokomotionsperformance mobiler Roboter

    NoStrandAMust – NoStrandAMust - Bodenkontaktsimulation zur Verbesserung der Lokomotionsperformance mobiler Roboter

    NoStrandAMust is a project with the goal of experimentally investigating the ground interaction of different robots and generating models for the …

  3. AW4.0 – Autowerkstatt4.0

    AW4.0 – Autowerkstatt4.0

    In the project Autowerkstatt 4.0 (AW 4.0), a consortium consisting of companies and research institutes is developing a platform for the trustworthy …

  4. INTE:GRATE – Intelligent Green Mobility in Saarland

    INTE:GRATE – Intelligent Green Mobility in Saarland

    In rural areas, mobility is often highly individualized (e.g., private cars), leading to a range of challenges, including increased traffic density, …

  5. GAIA-X 4 ROMS – GAIA-X 4 ROMS - Support und Remote-Operation automatisierter und vernetzter Mobility Services

    GAIA-X 4 ROMS – GAIA-X 4 ROMS - Support und Remote-Operation automatisierter und vernetzter Mobility Services

    Neue Mobilitätslösungen sollen den Transport von Personen und Gütern auch unter Klimaschutz-Aspekten sichern. Ansätze liegen hier neben der …

  6. ENGAGE – NExt GeNeration ComputinG Environments for Artificial intelliGEnce

    ENGAGE – NExt GeNeration ComputinG Environments for Artificial intelliGEnce

    ENGAGE is a project within the framework of the strategic research and innovation agenda of DFKI and Inria in the field of artificial intelligence. …

  7. DECODE – Continual learning for visual and multi-modal encoding of human surrounding and behavior

    DECODE – Continual learning for visual and multi-modal encoding of human surrounding and behavior

    Machine Learning, and in particular Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Deep Learning, has revolutionized Computer Vision in almost all areas. These …

  8. ChargePal – Robot-assisted charging and power management in private and public parking spaces

    ChargePal – Robot-assisted charging and power management in private and public parking spaces

    The ChargePal project aims at the research and practical testing of self-sufficient mobile DC charging robots with integrated high-performance …

  9. SensoBike – Modell zur Erkennung von Fehlstellungen des Knies

    SensoBike – Modell zur Erkennung von Fehlstellungen des Knies

    Niederschwellig in den Alltag integriertes Trainings- und Mobilitätssystem zur orthopädischen Prävention am Beispiel von Kniearthrosen. Basis ist ein …

  10. DOF-Adaptiv – Adaptive Mapping of Degrees of Freedom as User Interface for an Assistive Robot

    DOF-Adaptiv – Adaptive Mapping of Degrees of Freedom as User Interface for an Assistive Robot

    An assistive robot arm is a valuable support for people with severely reduced mobility of arm and hand, but exhausting and time-consuming to use, …