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Displaying results 61 to 70 of 111.
  1. NFDI4Ing – National Research Data Infrastructure for Engineering Sciences

    NFDI4Ing – National Research Data Infrastructure for Engineering Sciences

    NFDI4Ing is one of the funded consortia of the NFDI initiative of DFG ( NFDI4Ing …

  2. ReCircE – Digital Lifecycle Record for the Circular Economy

    ReCircE – Digital Lifecycle Record for the Circular Economy

    Kunststoffmüll ist ein Problem. Weltweit. Der Grund: Kunststoff ist meist verbaut und Teil eines komplexen Produktes: Auto, Kühlschrank, Lederschuh …

  3. QINROS – QINROS - Quanten computing and quantum machine learning for intelligent and robotic systems

    QINROS – QINROS - Quanten computing and quantum machine learning for intelligent and robotic systems

    The goal of QINROS, based on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Quantum Computing agenda of the Robotics Working Group and DFKI RIC, is to …

  4. TRIPLE-nanoAUV 1 – Localisation and perception of a miniaturized autonomous underwater vehicle for the exploration of subglacial lakes

    TRIPLE-nanoAUV 1 – Localisation and perception of a miniaturized autonomous underwater vehicle for the exploration of subglacial lakes

    The aim of the TRIPLE project line is to design and build a system for scientific exploration of subglacial lakes while validating the associated …

  5. SEARCH – Surface Exploration Android Remotely Controlled by Humans

    SEARCH – Surface Exploration Android Remotely Controlled by Humans

    The project consists of the development of a functional demonstrator of a miniature exploration rover, which can move quickly and efficiently over …

  6. CAMELOT – Continuous Adaptive Machine-Learning of Transfer of Control Situations

    CAMELOT – Continuous Adaptive Machine-Learning of Transfer of Control Situations

    A remaining major challenge with autonomous systems is the handling of situations that the system cannot handle on its own. Up to now, this transfer …

  7. HaLeR – HaLeR - Detection of action deviations through learning with limited computing resources

    HaLeR – HaLeR - Detection of action deviations through learning with limited computing resources

    The HaLeR project aims to develop solutions for a flexible and adaptive MMI. The developed methods should allow a system to react and adapt flexibly …

  8. MtecPla – PlaMoWa-Europa-MtecPla. Missions- und Pfadplanungsverfahren.

    MtecPla – PlaMoWa-Europa-MtecPla. Missions- und Pfadplanungsverfahren.

    Development of monitoring techniques for the automated evaluation and visualization of marine plastics garbage on the seefloor Partners Planblue GmbH …

  9. SmartRecycling – SmartRecycling - AI and Robotics for a sustainable circular economy

    SmartRecycling – SmartRecycling - AI and Robotics for a sustainable circular economy

    Partners Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (DFKI) Institut für Energie und Kreislaufwirtschaft an der Hochschule Bremen GmbH …

  10. Search and Rescue – Emerging technologies for the Early location of Entrapped victims under Collapsed Structures & Advanced Wearables for risk asses

    Search and Rescue – Emerging technologies for the Early location of Entrapped victims under Collapsed Structures & Advanced Wearables for risk asses

    ### Rationale Apart from earthquakes which usually result in catastrophic structural collapses with many people entrapped or killed, e.g. Indonesia …