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Displaying results 41 to 50 of 54.
  1. KICK – Künstliche Intelligenz in Kommunikationsnetzen

    KICK – Künstliche Intelligenz in Kommunikationsnetzen

    Das Ziel von KICK ist es, den Betrieb von künftigen 5G-Campus-Netzen durch den Einsatz von KI-Methoden signifikant zu vereinfachen und zu verbessern. …

  2. ASCAPE – Artificial intelligence Supporting CAncer Patients across Europe

    ASCAPE – Artificial intelligence Supporting CAncer Patients across Europe

    The project objective is to take advantage of the advances in Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to support cancer patients’ …

  3. KI-EKG – Development of a evaluation methodology for energy efficiency measurement of AI hardware using the example of ECG analysis

    KI-EKG – Development of a evaluation methodology for energy efficiency measurement of AI hardware using the example of ECG analysis

    Significant improvements in the energy efficiency of AI hardware are a prerequisite for the growing spread of this computationally intensive …

  4. ZLA – Zukunftslabor Agrar

    ZLA – Zukunftslabor Agrar

    Digitisation of agriculture (DdL), like digitisation in every field of application, requires technical permeability of the value creation networks …

  5. COGNITWIN – Cognitive Digital Twin

    COGNITWIN – Cognitive Digital Twin

    This project aims to develop the next generation of the digital twin, which is self-learning and proactive. This means firstly, it learns from …

  6. VerSys – A Sound Verification Platform for Early Software Development for RISC-V based Systems

    VerSys – A Sound Verification Platform for Early Software Development for RISC-V based Systems

    The aim of the VerSys project is to develop a consistent platform for early software development based on RISC-V technology, an instruction set …

  7. FiN 2.0 – Fühler im Netz 2.0

    FiN 2.0 – Fühler im Netz 2.0

    „Fühler im Netz 2.0“ baut auf den Ergebnissen des Projektes „Fühler im Netz“ (FiN) (Projektzeitraum 2014 bis 2017) auf und legt den Fokus darauf, …

  8. EVAREST – Development and utilization of data products in the food industry via smart services

    EVAREST – Development and utilization of data products in the food industry via smart services

    The objective of EVAREST is the development and utilization of data products as economic goods in the ecosystem of food production based on an open, …

  9. FUSE – Future Smart Energy

    FUSE – Future Smart Energy

    FUSE explores and demonstrates the application of technologies based on artificial Intelligence to increase the resilience and stability of the future …

  10. Daystream – Data AnalYtics and AI for Secure, Trusted, and REliAble Mobility

    Daystream – Data AnalYtics and AI for Secure, Trusted, and REliAble Mobility

    The main goal of DAYSTREAM project is the development of data-driven applications for early recognition, real-time tracking and optimal prediction of …