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Displaying results 81 to 90 of 108.
  1. SKATE – SAP Knowledge Authoring and Text Enhancement

    SKATE – SAP Knowledge Authoring and Text Enhancement

    Ensuring consistency and quality in large-scale, multilingual, distributed documentation infrastructures is a complex task - available software …

  2. MUMIS – Multimedia Indexing and Searching Environment

    MUMIS – Multimedia Indexing and Searching Environment

    MUMIS will develop base technology, demonstrated within a laboratory prototype, to support automated multimedia indexing and to facilitate search and …

  3. MUCHMORE – Multilinguale Konzepthierarchien zur Ordnung und Retrieval von medizinischen Informationen

    MUCHMORE – Multilinguale Konzepthierarchien zur Ordnung und Retrieval von medizinischen Informationen

    MUCHMORE develops technologies that will result in a prototype system for cross-lingual information organization and access for the medical domain. …

  4. CLASSiks – Crosslingual Information and Knowledge Management Systems

    CLASSiks – Crosslingual Information and Knowledge Management Systems

    CLASS (Collaboration in LAnguage and Speech Science and technology) is an Accompanying Measure of the European Commission in FP5. It coordinates …

  5. MUSI – Multi-lingual Summarisation Tool for the Internet

    MUSI – Multi-lingual Summarisation Tool for the Internet

    MUSI addresses the problem of multilingual summarisation to facilitate access to information retrieval systems and, in particular, access to the …

  6. GETESS – German Text Exploitation and Search System

    GETESS – German Text Exploitation and Search System

    The project will develop an intelligent work tool for researching information. A wide variety of applications are imaginable such as intelligent …

  7. MARY – Modular Architecture for Research on speech sYnthesis

    MARY – Modular Architecture for Research on speech sYnthesis

    MARY is a Text-to-Speech Synthesis System for German, English and Tibetan. It was originally developed as a collaborative project of DFKI's language …

  8. Rainbow II – An Object Network for Statisticians and Administrations

    Rainbow II – An Object Network for Statisticians and Administrations

    The World Wide Web offers a wealth of texts, tables and maps for you to browse through. But computing your own results from that information is a …

  9. OLIVE – Play it again, Sam!  - Retrieval of video material based on speech-recognition

    OLIVE – Play it again, Sam! - Retrieval of video material based on speech-recognition

    Olive, closely related to the Pop-Eye project which uses subtitles for the retrieval of video material, takes this approach further by additionally …

  10. ICC – Innovation at the Call-Center

    ICC – Innovation at the Call-Center

    Professional computer-aided customer care is among the largest growth markets in the services sector. DFKI's ICC project concentrates on two areas of …