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Displaying results 31 to 39 of 39.
  1. AuRoRas – Automotive Robust Radar Sensing

    AuRoRas – Automotive Robust Radar Sensing

    Radar sensors are very important in the automotive industry because they have the ability to directly measure the speed of other road users. The DFKI …

  2. VerSys – A Sound Verification Platform for Early Software Development for RISC-V based Systems

    VerSys – A Sound Verification Platform for Early Software Development for RISC-V based Systems

    The aim of the VerSys project is to develop a consistent platform for early software development based on RISC-V technology, an instruction set …

  3. KoPoSaB – Kollaborations-Plattform zur KI-optimierten Steuerung autonomer Bot-Systeme

    KoPoSaB – Kollaborations-Plattform zur KI-optimierten Steuerung autonomer Bot-Systeme

    The project KoPoSaB deals with the development of a collaboration platform based on artificial intelligence for the control and optimization of …

  4. ROBDEKON – Robotersystem für die Dekontamination in menschenfeindlichen Umgebungen

    ROBDEKON – Robotersystem für die Dekontamination in menschenfeindlichen Umgebungen

    ROBDEKON stands for "Robot systems for decontamination in hostile environments" and is dedicated to research in the field of autonomous or …

  5. TRACTAT – Transfer of Control (ToC) zwischen Autonomen Systemen und Menschen

    TRACTAT – Transfer of Control (ToC) zwischen Autonomen Systemen und Menschen

    The TRACTAT project aims to lay the foundation for a smooth and effective Transfer of Control (ToC) between autonomous systems and humans in …

  6. TransFit – Flexible interaction for infrastructures establishment by means of teleoperation and direct collaboration; transfer into industry 4.0

    TransFit – Flexible interaction for infrastructures establishment by means of teleoperation and direct collaboration; transfer into industry 4.0

    TransFIT is part of the space road map of the DFKI RIC. The project does focus on the assembly and installation of infrastructure for space …

  7. SqUISH – Situational Dialogue Interaction in Smart Homes

    SqUISH – Situational Dialogue Interaction in Smart Homes

    Objective of the project “Situational DialogUe Interaction in Smart Homes (SqUISH)” is to establish a better understanding of daily routines and usage …

  8. VISTRA – Virtual Simulation and Training of Assembly and Service Processes in Digital Factories

    VISTRA – Virtual Simulation and Training of Assembly and Service Processes in Digital Factories

    The information gap between virtual product and manufacturing engineering and the physical start of production is a fundamental problem for European …

  9. RES-COM – Ressourcenschonung durch kontextaktivierte M2M-Kommunikation

    RES-COM – Ressourcenschonung durch kontextaktivierte M2M-Kommunikation

    Die effiziente Schonung natürlicher Ressourcen wie Energie, Luft, Wasser und wertvoller Rohstoffe wird zukünftig vor allem softwaregesteuert und …