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Displaying results 1 to 10 of 19.
  1. NoIDLEChatGPT – No-IDLE meets ChatGPT

    NoIDLEChatGPT – No-IDLE meets ChatGPT

    Das Projekt "No-IDLE meets ChatGPT" zielt darauf ab, die Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion bei der Aktualisierung von Deep-Learning-Modellen (DL) zu …

  2. DACE – Datenkompetenzzentrum Circular Economy
  3. No-IDLE – Interactive Deep Learning Enterprise

    No-IDLE – Interactive Deep Learning Enterprise

    In recent years, machines have surpassed humans in the performance of specific and narrow tasks such as some aspects of image recognition or decision …

  4. SC_INCOW – Influence of Cognitive Workload in Intent Recognition during Robot-Assisted Surgery
  5. RZZKI_SL-RLP-2 – Regionales Zukunftszentren Künstliche Intelligenz Saarland und Rheinland-Pfalz (Folgeprogramm)

    RZZKI_SL-RLP-2 – Regionales Zukunftszentren Künstliche Intelligenz Saarland und Rheinland-Pfalz (Folgeprogramm)

    Future centers (KI); support of small and medium-sized enterprises and employees in the exemplary and participatory testing of new technologies, such …

  6. MASTER – MASTER: Mixed reality ecosystem for teaching robotics in manufacturing

    MASTER – MASTER: Mixed reality ecosystem for teaching robotics in manufacturing

    Many industries are transitioning to Industry 4.0 production models by adopting robots in their processes. In parallel, Extended Reality (XR) …

  7. SHARESPACE – Embodied Social Experiences in Hybrid Shared Spaces

    SHARESPACE – Embodied Social Experiences in Hybrid Shared Spaces

    SHARESPACE will demonstrate a radically new technology for promoting ethical and social interaction in eXtended Reality (XR) Shared Hybrid Spaces …

  8. ML-Synthom – Fertigungsnahes Maschinelles Lernen für die Automobilzuliefererindustrie durch synthetische Generierung von Oberflächen und Materialien

    ML-Synthom – Fertigungsnahes Maschinelles Lernen für die Automobilzuliefererindustrie durch synthetische Generierung von Oberflächen und Materialien

    Ensuring industrial quality through new research The ML-SYNTHOM project is developing an AI-based test procedure for quality assurance for new types …

  9. M-RoCK – Human-Machine Interaction Modeling for Continuous Improvement of Robot Behavior

    M-RoCK – Human-Machine Interaction Modeling for Continuous Improvement of Robot Behavior

    The current developments in digitalization, AI-based data processing, and powerful hardware lay the groundwork for future embodied AI assistants. …

  10. TRIPLEADAPT – Adaptive, interoperationale Weiterbildungsplattformen durch einen Digitalen Drilling

    TRIPLEADAPT – Adaptive, interoperationale Weiterbildungsplattformen durch einen Digitalen Drilling

    Das übergeordnete Projektziel ist die partizipative Entwicklung eines Digitalen Drillings unter Einbindung aller relevanter betrieblicher Akteure, …