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Displaying results 1 to 10 of 18.
  1. InterOpera AAS – InterOpera - Teilmodelle der Asset Administration Shell

    InterOpera AAS – InterOpera - Teilmodelle der Asset Administration Shell

    Das Hauptziel des Auftrages ist die Arbeit eines sogenannten Methodenberaters für die methodische Leitung eines Projekts zur Entwicklung von …

  2. Adra-e – AI, Data and Robotics ecosystem

    Adra-e – AI, Data and Robotics ecosystem

    Adra-e - Supporting the AI, Data and Robotics Community in the Development of a Sustainable European Ecosystem Adra-e is a Coordination and Support …

  3. QUASIM – QC-Enhanced Service Ecosystem for Simulation in Manufacturing

    QUASIM – QC-Enhanced Service Ecosystem for Simulation in Manufacturing

    Quantum computing (QC) is a technology developing rapidly in research, but has also raised initial expectations in industrial applications. The …

  4. ENGAGE – NExt GeNeration ComputinG Environments for Artificial intelliGEnce

    ENGAGE – NExt GeNeration ComputinG Environments for Artificial intelliGEnce

    ENGAGE is a project within the framework of the strategic research and innovation agenda of DFKI and Inria in the field of artificial intelligence. …

  5. MDZ – Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Kaiserslautern

    MDZ – Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Kaiserslautern

    Das Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Kaiserslautern bietet kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen aus Rheinland-Pfalz und darüber hinaus kostenfreie …

  6. QAI2 / QAICO – Quantum Artificial Intelligence for Coordination and Cooperation

    QAI2 / QAICO – Quantum Artificial Intelligence for Coordination and Cooperation

    In the sub-project QAICO (Quantum AI for Coordination and Cooperation) of the joint project QAI2 (Quantum AI for Automotive Industry), DFKI is …

  7. PERIOD (OG12) – PERASPERA In-Orbit Demonstration (Operational Grant 12)

    PERIOD (OG12) – PERASPERA In-Orbit Demonstration (Operational Grant 12)

    Since the launch of the first artificial satellite, the very nature of spaceflight has heavily constrained every space mission in terms of mass, …

  8. AiToC – Artificial Intelligence supported Tool Chain in Manufacturing Engineering

    AiToC – Artificial Intelligence supported Tool Chain in Manufacturing Engineering

    In the application areas of production planning and engineering, the lack of interoperability between tools, methods and formats is still a common …

  9. DIGITbrain – Digital twins bringing agility and innovation to manufacturing SMEs, by empowering a network of DIHs with an integrated digital platform that enables Manufacturing as a Service (MaaS)

    DIGITbrain – Digital twins bringing agility and innovation to manufacturing SMEs, by empowering a network of DIHs with an integrated digital platform that enables Manufacturing as a Service (MaaS)

    DIGITbrain Project is an EU innovation program to give SMEs easy access to digital twins. A Digital Twin is the virtual representation of a product, …

  10. KOSMOX – Entwicklung einer neuartigen lokalen kontrafaktischen Erklärungsmethode und -schnittstelle unter Berücksichtigung kognitiver Modelierungsansätze

    KOSMOX – Entwicklung einer neuartigen lokalen kontrafaktischen Erklärungsmethode und -schnittstelle unter Berücksichtigung kognitiver Modelierungsansätze

    Im Bereich der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) sind Black-Box-Modelle gegenüber konventionellen Verfahren zwar überlegen, liefern allerdings keine …